30 Days left until vacation

Mom2Emery_Liam Posts: 149
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So I have 30 days left until our vacation to Florida (assuming the oil doesn't get there that is!). I've already bought a cute retro one piece since I'm fairly sure my baby pooch will not dissapear enough to get into a bikini by then! My thighs are still a major insecurity but I know I can't spot reduce so cardio it is!
Right now I'm walking almost every day and doing C25K 3x a week. I'm on week 2 and my knees are incredibly sore from the running. I'm thinking I need to give it a rest until this pain subsides.
Anyways, I do some circuit training 2-3 times a week, nothing too intense-about 20 mins long. Also do yoga a few times a week too.
Any good dvd's you can recommend that burn calories and are easy on the knees? I've thought about doing the 30 day shred although Jillian totally intimidates me! I have the biggest loser yoga but it doesn't seem intense enough to see results in 30 days. I know a month is a small time frame and I'm not going to see major results. However, I want to make the most of the time I have left before our trip to push myself and look slightly better in summer clothes:-)


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Don't let Jillian Michaels scare you... lol. The 30 Day Shred is probably the best thing I can recommend in your time frame to pair with your cardio workouts. It's a great, intense 25 minute workout and it really hits everything from abs to arms to legs. And at $9 it's a pretty decent investment. I've done it 5 of the last 6 days and its definitely been having an impact.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Don't let Jillian Michaels scare you... lol. The 30 Day Shred is probably the best thing I can recommend in your time frame to pair with your cardio workouts. It's a great, intense 25 minute workout and it really hits everything from abs to arms to legs. And at $9 it's a pretty decent investment. I've done it 5 of the last 6 days and its definitely been having an impact.
    Totally agree; in fact, any of JM's DVDs (No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism, Yoga Meltdown) would be a great investment/addition to your workout. I have/use them all by rotating them.
  • cbullock115
    cbullock115 Posts: 110
    I also recommend the 30 day shred. It's going to show you way more results in 30 days than most other workouts would. I love it and am on level 2 right now.
  • Thanks for the support ladies! I tried the 30 day shed my first week of working out and gave up after seeing all the pushups involved! Lol of course now two months later I am much stronger and will give it a try once my knees feel better. I just did about 10 mins of the Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism. It wasn't near as hard as I thought it'd be! However she moved down to the mat to do mountain climbers and my knees just couldn't take it.
    Gonna have to rest the knees for a bit and stick to yoga for the time being.
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