Skinny Cow fans!!!



  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i love all Skinny Cow and Laughing Cow
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    Skinny Cow ice cream is a staple in my house... I tell hubby I am out, and he goes out and buys 3 boxes at a time so I don't run out and he'd have to go out at night for them lol. We usually have the choc/vanilla sandwiches, sometimes the mint ones. My favorite are the peanut butter/chocolate swirl sandwiches though.

    As for the candies, I like them but since they are so small (chocolate! duh..) I always feel like I didn't get a "full" serving and want to eat another pack of whatever kind it is. So I have my once ice cream per night pretty much every night before bed. I'm perfectly fine with no candy as long as I get my ice cream.

    I get my ice cream and no one gets hurt... :roll:
  • zubiedoobydoo
    zubiedoobydoo Posts: 8 Member
    Love the cows too...but skinny cow its hard to stop at one or me!!