I hate being the fattest person at the gym.



  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    You are there to get in shape, and because of that, anyone in the gym is going to respect you.
    Plus, no one is really looking at or judging you, everyone is concerned with their own workout. And we all perceive ourselves as bigger than we really are, I guarantee you you are smaller then you think.
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    I can relate.. I first started going to a generic corporate $10 a month box gym.. I felt i really stood out and it was hard to get in a good workout. I was trying to do the same workout i did 30 years ago when i was in good shape, lol

    I then found a very basic gym, no machines, only free weights and no frills like A/C or heat. lol.. what it did have was great trainers and a great group of people to work out with. the small group classes at that gym changed my life. YES.. i was fattest by FAR, but I dug my heel in and refused to be the fat guy slowing down the whole class, and I gave it my best every day.. i sit here 2 years later, with 66lbs of fat gone, and with 20+lbs of new muscle added. I feel like a million bucks and I am so overjoyed that i found the right gym and workout for my needs and I truly hope you find the same.. In my case, my own perceptions of how others looked at me bogged me down, NOT that anyone ever said anything or discouraged me. I had to get over my own self doubts and get over my fears.

    good luck!!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I know just how you feel. HOWEVER...others do not see you as being as big as you see yourself. PROMISE!!!

    This is so true! Just as you are displaying self-consciousness, someone else feels bad too. You are thinking that you are bothering someone by being large, but someone is looking at you and saying "damn she's a big girl getting it done and I'm letting myself slack."

    I have found that people have considered me an inspiration at the gym, not a hindrance. Most people celebrate healthy behavior regardless of your size!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Keep in mind that you have that goal to reach and this is part of it. Plus as you drop the pounds it will be obvious that you're doing the work needed and I imagine others will admire you for your accomplishments.
  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
    Didn't read post. Strictly going off the title of the topic my response is: THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! ;)

    :noway: ....... your response totally annoyed me.

    What you are doing is fabulous!! Keep it up girly!! Feel proud of what you are accomplishing.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    You would likely classify me as one of those "fit" people at the gym. I, believe I have areas of improvement to pursue, just like you do. However, when I see someone who is clearly over weight, my thoughts are all positive. I am happy they are pursuing fitness. It encourages ME to see folks striving to be healthier than they currently are. Same thing when I see a larger person out running. . .I think "Go get it!!" It makes me feel bad that you would think everyone there thinks something negative when they are probably silently cheering you on!!
  • meltedkeys
    meltedkeys Posts: 63 Member
    FIND A CURVES!! I used to work there and most of the people were heavier and older. All are women who will encourage you!
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    Today you may be, and it seems like tomorrow you aren't anymore...used to think the same thing. But now I'm definitely not the fattest guy there...just remember, EVERYONE STARTS SOMEWHERE...so that tiny kid that had no muscle, he is just as self conscious as you.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    ... I can't help thinking that there are people looking and laughing at my arss blocking their view of the hot chick in front of me.

    You couldn't be more wrong. I am a fit person at the gym. When I see someone new just starting, I am so hopeful for that person. I don't think I am alone in this feeling. I want to do anything that I can to support that person and keep them coming. HOWEVER, I never say a word to them because doing so may only let that person know it is obvious to others they are new, thereby making them self conscious or more self conscious than they already are. Being silent is a way of supporting their efforts.

    I respect the newbies. That is the toughest time, and yet, they are working through it and figuring it all out.

    If you don't believe that you are silently supported, even respected for working through all of that initial awkwardness, read this: http://flintland.blogspot.com/2012/05/hey-fat-girl.html?spref=fb. Fit people want more fit people.

    Power through it, sister. Hold your head high. At the gym you are surrounded by people who want to you succeed.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm not gonna lie and say people don't notice you. People have eyes, but think about this:

    "I'm the most uncoordinated person at this gym, I feel stupid trying to do anything physical, and am afraid I'll trip over my own feet"

    "I'm the ugliest person at this gym, everyone else makes me feel bad for existing"

    "I'm the oldest person at this gym, all these young people aren't in pain like me"

    "I'm the youngest person at the gym, everyone else has got their life together"

    "I'm the scrawniest person at the gym, everyone else has got more muscle than me, and I can't seem to gain"

    "I'm the worst swimmer at this gym, I'd love to go in the pool but I'd drown"
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    its all in the diet.. its 80% of the hard work :) Think of it this way, you might be the fattest there, but at least you're doing something about it.

    You could be home like others, eating a plate of chips, watching tv. But instead, you're out there doing what you have to to get a better and healthier lifestyle :)
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    I was feeling the SAME way when I started going to the gym last month, so to make myself feel better & to keep me motivated as I look at all those fit people I imagine them heavy and working towards how they are today, so they are kinda like me only further along with their goals.
    YES I know it sounds kind of silly but thinking about them having to to work just as hard to keep their body motivates me to work harder to get a great body. :flowerforyou:
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I applaud fat people at the gym; they're there to do something about their weight, and that takes courage and motivation.

    Keep it up, and one day, you won't be the "fat" person at the gym.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    I have a lot of respect for anyone at a gym pushing themselves. Look at it this way - you've just started your journey, the others have been at it a while, so they can be your motivation for keeping at it. Best of luck!
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    Lovely one (you are lovely), you DO belong, you're there gettin' it done! Some of the people there were once where you are, and probably are inwardly applauding your valor, even if they don't say it out loud. I'm finally not the slowest runner at the park, but when I do see someone slower, it always makes me really proud of them, because I know it's a huge hurdle to get over just getting out there and doing it. Please don't think those people are judging you. Most likely, they're not, and some might be very encouraging if you get to know them!
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    Keep going, and soon you wont be!

    I used to be that girl. I lost 20 lbs and decided I had to join a gym to keep going. I go roughly 20 times a month now- it's a promise I made myself, that brings the cost of my gym to $2 a visit. I'm not willing to pay more than that per visit, so I promised myself that I WOULD go 20 times a month, and if I didn't I'd have to cancel the membership because I don't want to waste money. ANYWAYS, When I started going I was the biggest girl... Now I'm 40 lbs lighter and definitely not the biggest anymore. I see girls come in that are probably nearly 300 lbs, I see them for a week and then never see them again... Sometimes I want to go up to them and tell them that they can do it, and they should be proud for being courageous enough to even join... That WAS me, and now I'm a regular in my gym. I posted on here the other day that I feel like they should play the theme song of Cheers every time I go to the gym, because everyone knows my name :D

    Just keep going, know that no one judges you. In fact, I bet there are people there that think you're doing a great thing by trying to be healthy :)
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I wouldn't worry as much as you are. When I see some beginners at the gym or heavier people than myself, I think " Good for them!" You have to start somewhere, and it doesn't happen overnight. Keep on truckin!!
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    im the fattest one in my zumba class.

    i also am probably one of the ones who push the hardest and do everything at full intensity.

    my face turns plum colored and i pour sweat, and i can see all my rolls in the room of mirrors.

    but im not ashamed. not embarrassed! im proud to be there! and everyone around me is proud of me too.

    nobody worth anything will judge someone bettering themselves with fitness. your more likely to be judged sitting at mcdonalds than kickin tail at the gym!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm in fairly good shape but whenever I see a bigger person at the gym or in one of my cardio classes I actually get really excited for them! I think it's awesome that you're proving that fitness is NOT just for people who are already fit! I'm sure you do great in your classes and you're probably a huge inspiration to a lot of people. Keep up the awesome work chica.
  • gallingers06
    gallingers06 Posts: 43 Member
    I bet there is someone there that felt the same way maybe a few months ago. You are there to lose the weight and that is what a gym is for. Don't let that negative thought keep you out of it! YOU CAN DO IT!!