EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of everything I thought I knew?



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Good, I'm glad everybody seems to think along the same lines. I just couldn't wrap my head around this article. The writer seems to be educated and it's easy to mislead newbies in this land-o-life-changes. I've always been taught cardio for weight loss (because you can't "spot-shrink") and weight training for toning, endurance, muscle building...which will help you burn more calories while resting.

    Thanks for the positive reinforcement that I'm on the right track and info like this is stupid-sauce. :smile:

    The author was "educated"--just not in the areas of fitness, health, or exercise.

    As with most cable news shows, "glibness" does NOT equal "expertise".
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    This is like the fourth of fifth time this article has come up in the past couple of weeks. What I get out of it is that too many people, and women in particular, over do it on cardio and neglect resistance training...which I agree with. I think the title sucks and the author doesn't do a good job of explaining himself IMHO.

    This is probably true. I also agree with one poster who said that if steady state cardio is all you do, your body may get used to it, so you will need to change it up over time.

    This article is written in an extremely inflamatory tone and states a lot of absolute "facts." This should signify that its purpose is to garner attention (positive or negative, lots of people don't care which) for the author and the publication and not to inform anyone about anything.