10 lbs in 30 days?

is it possible to lose 10 lbs in 30 days? my sister's wedding is in a month and i'm feeling very discouraged because i'm not sure if it's possible to lose that much weight in a month. i'm the maid of honor and i don't want to look back at her wedding day photos 20 years from now and think "if only i were 10 lbs. lighter"


  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    Half will be water weight, but I wouldn't see why you couldn't do it since you are just starting. Maybe 4lbs of fat.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Why didn't you start two months ago? Was her wedding a surprise?
  • overshadows
    overshadows Posts: 58 Member
    .... it really depends on how much you have to lose. If you are 10 lbs from your ideal weight it may be harder than if you have 50 lbs to lose.
  • flobag83
    flobag83 Posts: 23 Member
    haha, no it wasn't a surprise but thats besides the point now that its 30 days away!!!!! :happy:
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    Use the MFP search function for 30 day shred results a lot of the time it isn't 10 lbs loss but it looks like that or more. Plus it is free on youtube so no waiting for the dvd to arrive. Good luck with the wedding don't outdo the bride ;)
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    You look really pretty in your profile picture and if you don`t lose 10lbs in 30 days I am sure no one will notice if it is 2/5/8 or 10lbs?

    Just keep on doing what you are doing and your sister will love you just the same as she loves you now?
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    It's possible! I lose around 10 lbs each much.
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    .... it really depends on how much you have to lose. If you are 10 lbs from your ideal weight it may be harder than if you have 50 lbs to lose.

    This is true. I lost 10 lbs in the first 30 days on MFP, but it has stalled out since then. I started with just under 40 to lose.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    If you are already at a healthy weight and healthy BF%, it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible to lose 10 cosmetic Lbs in 30 days time. If you throw yourself into a big calorie deficit thinking it's going to happen...well, all that's going to happen is you're going to throw your metabolism into a stall and probably burn up a bunch of muscle.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It's possible! I lose around 10 lbs each much.

    With substantially more to lose than the OP....with only 10 pounds to lose, that is purely cosmetic. Body will not respond kindly to big deficit for cosmetic weight loss.

    OP should have hit the weight room hard about 6 to 9 months ago.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    With some diuretics, laxatives and a sauna you could lose 10-15 lbs tonight! Clearly it isn't a healthy way to go about it and it certainly won't be fat loss for good so you have to focus on what it is that you actually want; the scale to read 10 lbs less or a leaner, healthier you that's a mere 10 lbs away albeit a longer wait.
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    Judging by your profile picture you are skinny as it is, so no 10 lbs a month would be only possible if you had bigger fat storage. The fitter you are the harder it is to lose weight.
    Just eat healthy and exercise for like 4-5 days a week for the rest of the month, it's the best way to get positive results for that wedding. If you going to just starve yourself your body might actually hold on to the fat instead of burning it for energy.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    haha, no it wasn't a surprise but thats besides the point now that its 30 days away!!!!! :happy:

    Do you currently workout? The reason I ask ..... starting strength training now will help you lose INCHES before the wedding ..... this is better than losing pounds.
  • flobag83
    flobag83 Posts: 23 Member
    well, my profile picture is from 2 years ago and i mostly notice my weight gain in pictures of myself... i'm lacking discipline. i suppose 5 lbs would be better than no lbs.

    i stopped exercising about a year ago because of a bad skiing accident that messed up my knee. what i'm hoping is that i haven't lost all my muscle mass.

    one thing i've learned from getting started on MFP is that it's really important to do strength training, and this poses a problem for me because when i go to the gym in the evening it's like intimidating central with all the beefcakes blowing steam by the huge weight machines!
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Also depends on your current bmi. If you are not overweight or barely overweight i doubt it.
  • GhostinthePC
    GhostinthePC Posts: 29 Member
    I lost 17 pounds in 30 days. The trick is simple: Eat fresh ingredients, avoid "Diet" marketed foods that are processed, avoid fast food, and avoid anything with Aspartame. If you want that 10 pounds off, you WILL have to make some serious sacrifices.
  • GhostinthePC
    GhostinthePC Posts: 29 Member
    well, my profile picture is from 2 years ago and i mostly notice my weight gain in pictures of myself... i'm lacking discipline. i suppose 5 lbs would be better than no lbs.

    i stopped exercising about a year ago because of a bad skiing accident that messed up my knee. what i'm hoping is that i haven't lost all my muscle mass.

    one thing i've learned from getting started on MFP is that it's really important to do strength training, and this poses a problem for me because when i go to the gym in the evening it's like intimidating central with all the beefcakes blowing steam by the huge weight machines!

    They weren't beefcakes when they started. Just remember that.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I am sorry, it likely will not happen. 2-5lbs is realistic though!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I lost 17 pounds in 30 days. The trick is simple: Eat fresh ingredients, avoid "Diet" marketed foods that are processed, avoid fast food, and avoid anything with Aspartame. If you want that 10 pounds off, you WILL have to make some serious sacrifices.

  • sarahkalt88
    sarahkalt88 Posts: 51 Member
    I think its possible, I did it. HOWEVER, I started working out heavily 4 months before that happened, and I packed on a fair bit of muscle first. You can try, it will be an intense 30 days, the trick is to not let it get you down if it doesn't happen. Long-term results don't usually come quickly.