Thinking about joining Curves.

623Hernandez Posts: 458
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Does anyone go there? How is it? What do you think about it? :tongue: Any feed back would be great!


  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I'm curious too! I've considered it so many times...
  • I returned to working out a few years ago and upon returning I joined curves. For me it was a great move!!! The mixture of circuit training with low cardio in between was ideal to get me into the routine of working out again. After about a year or so I got bored with it and now workout at Anytime Fitness, but I always recommend Curves as a perfect starting point! Good luck!!
  • CindyWard4u
    CindyWard4u Posts: 40 Member
    my mother joined curves for a while and she really loved it. It could probably be a good starting point to get you into the habit of exercising regularly.
    I have found my in home fitness to be the most successful for me....I don't have to gather myself together to go to the gym and I can workout pretty much anytime I want....not to mention the programs I have are the most amazing things ever! :)
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    I too did curves about two years ago... It was perfect for me at the time. I liked that it was an only woman's gym and had a simple, easy to use routine. I would suggest trying to only sign up for a couple of months so that way you can switch it up to a bigger gym when you become comfortable and/or the set up isn't working any longer. Otherwise it's a perfect starting place!
  • bade5576
    bade5576 Posts: 1
    My friend owns a Curves gym. It is a great place to start strength training and get support. Once you reach a certain level of fitness, you need to supplement with other exercises (biking, running, swimming, etc) to continue to grow. Also, you need to push your self to move as quickly as you can on the machines because you create the resistance with your body weight. If you do the exercises too leisurely, you are wasting your time. If you are just starting to exercise, definitely join. If you are a former-athlete that fell off the wagon, a full-service gym will serve your needs better.
  • SarahBC
    SarahBC Posts: 72 Member
    Curves is great for a starter point, it will get you motivated and help out with the circuit style of things, but eventually oyu will get bored, so I say try it for 6 months then get into a real gym where there is more variety for yourself
  • 623Hernandez
    623Hernandez Posts: 458
    Thank you everyone for your opinions. I think I will join just until I get into a routine and comfortable with working out. First I am going to dust off the elliptical and when I can go 30 min on that I will join for sure. Once I am comfortable and stronger I will go to my BF's gym. Thanks again everybody!!!!
  • I have worked in two Curves and I worked out daily at them. I think they really work. like everyone says great to get back into fitness. There is the boredom factor after awhile but if you have good instructors that really helps. Because it is quick I couldn't make up excuses as often. I also did the weight loss management program (Curves diet) and really succeeded!. The only reason i don't go now is because there isn't one near me. Can I just encourage you to join NOW and not put it off until you can do the 30min or whatever it was. Start in Curves or where ever now and get into fitness with other woman. Don't put off what you can start today. :) Good luck and I hope you enjoy it. x
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    anyone else have thoughts on Curves? I dug this out of the dusty archives:laugh: and wanted to check in and see what type of cost etc. it is monthly. I realize it likely varies in areas but just a rough idea would help (I'll call tomorrow locally but curious now as I"m working on figuring out where to go for a short time). I'm changing gyms and need something in the meantime that's more a circuit type workout which I hear is what Curves is all about.

    Happy with it? Bored with it? Love it? Hate it? Feel the monthly fee is fair? etc.

    Thanks for any feed back MFP Friends:flowerforyou:

  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    I was a member... it was a year membership and I think $99 to join and then $44 every month though it varies from area to area. It was great at first and then the workouts became dull and routine. No matter how you slice it, your body just gets accustomed to it. It did kick start my weight loss though and I would not have lost the 80+ lbs if I had not started going because it kicked me into that groove of where I needed to be, mentally to loose that weight. I think it's a great program. I also did not like that there was nobody my age. But maybe it is just a location thing...
  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    I was a member... it was a year membership and I think $99 to join and then $44 every month though it varies from area to area. It was great at first and then the workouts became dull and routine. No matter how you slice it, your body just gets accustomed to it. It did kick start my weight loss though and I would not have lost the 80+ lbs if I had not started going because it kicked me into that groove of where I needed to be, mentally to loose that weight. I think it's a great program. I also did not like that there was nobody my age. But maybe it is just a location thing...
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I was a member... it was a year membership and I think $99 to join and then $44 every month though it varies from area to area. It was great at first and then the workouts became dull and routine. No matter how you slice it, your body just gets accustomed to it. It did kick start my weight loss though and I would not have lost the 80+ lbs if I had not started going because it kicked me into that groove of where I needed to be, mentally to loose that weight. I think it's a great program. I also did not like that there was nobody my age. But maybe it is just a location thing...
    as in older than you or younger, like 20's? Thanks for the feedback Kiri, gosh it's pretty much the price of a regular gym with a pool, hmmm.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    anyone else have thoughts on Curves? I dug this out of the dusty archives:laugh: and wanted to check in and see what type of cost etc. it is monthly. I realize it likely varies in areas but just a rough idea would help (I'll call tomorrow locally but curious now as I"m working on figuring out where to go for a short time). I'm changing gyms and need something in the meantime that's more a circuit type workout which I hear is what Curves is all about.

    Happy with it? Bored with it? Love it? Hate it? Feel the monthly fee is fair? etc.

    Thanks for any feed back MFP Friends:flowerforyou:


    I joined in March when they do their yearly food drive. When you donate a bag of groceries during March they waive the $199 membership fee. I had the option of paying $44 month to month or $34/month if I signed a year contract.

    At first I burned a ton of calories in 30 min. After I got used to it i usually burn just over 300 calories in 30 min.

    I don't think that I will renew my membership next year. I'd like to join a gym with more options because the circuit gets kind of tedious. Also I'm one of a handful of members at my home gym that are under 40. The machines are set up without much resistance.

    I travel for work and it's great that I can visit any of the locations nationwide. However, some of the locations have restricted hours for travelers that are really inconvinient.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    anyone else have thoughts on Curves? I dug this out of the dusty archives:laugh: and wanted to check in and see what type of cost etc. it is monthly. I realize it likely varies in areas but just a rough idea would help (I'll call tomorrow locally but curious now as I"m working on figuring out where to go for a short time). I'm changing gyms and need something in the meantime that's more a circuit type workout which I hear is what Curves is all about.

    Happy with it? Bored with it? Love it? Hate it? Feel the monthly fee is fair? etc.

    Thanks for any feed back MFP Friends:flowerforyou:


    I joined in March when they do their yearly food drive. When you donate a bag of groceries during March they waive the $199 membership fee. I had the option of paying $44 month to month or $34/month if I signed a year contract.

    At first I burned a ton of calories in 30 min. After I got used to it i usually burn just over 300 calories in 30 min.

    I don't think that I will renew my membership next year. I'd like to join a gym with more options because the circuit gets kind of tedious. Also I'm one of a handful of members at my home gym that are under 40. The machines are set up without much resistance.

    I travel for work and it's great that I can visit any of the locations nationwide. However, some of the locations have restricted hours for travelers that are really inconvinient.
    Very much appreciate the feedback!:flowerforyou:
  • claw0416
    claw0416 Posts: 95
    I started Curves a few months ago. Like Kiri said, it depends on location how they go about fees. I was able to start at a time they had a special going and paid $78 with starting members fees and 2 months paid. The pone I go to, thanks to the location I only pay $34 a month, and I am month to month. I think it is a great way to get back into the swing of exercising. I have always stayed active with my kids, but to do a fitness plan. I had no idea what to do, Ihad never actually worked out on any equipment besides a treadmill..So for me it was a great ay to learn how to work out on the machines. I also did not have that insecurity of being watched in there. IT was all women, with the same goal in mind..Getting healthy and losing weight. Eventually I will start going to a traditonal Gym, but for now it is getting me motivated,a nd I have great support there. It does depend on the time of day that I go for the demographics to change..During the school year, I am a SAHM I go in the mornings, and I am probaly one of the youngest int here. Alot of the women are retired that go before 3pm..I would go sometimes in the evening, but it does tend to get busy but there are alot of women 55 and younger that go. I personally don't mind going in the mornings. I try to time it when it is empty which was lunch time, just because I can do my things and get out of there, if I go when others are there it does go by quicker since Ia m talking and moving along the machines, but I don't get out of there a easily..I end up staying and talking even after the like everyone has said, it is a great way to get back into the groove of things..I am not sure if every curves is the same but I do get weighed adn measured monthly there..I did notice I have lost more inches than weight in the beginning with them, but now I am doing much better, I am actually eating right and doing what I am supposed to where when I started I wasn't..Good Luck..I really hope you join it is a great support system!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I loved curves when I was a member, very supportive and lost well. I ended up quitting and joining a regular gym when my husband wanted to join in. I do think its pricey but they have specials all the time.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I really appreciate all the input gang! I'm so used to a full gym with pools so it'd be an adjustment so I'll have to see. It's close to the price of the gym I was going to but it's so far away I was putting so much money out for gas. But dang I loved that gym! When you have terrific staff, excellent equipment, fabulous hours, friendly members, um, well, can you tell how much I loved it? lol

    Maybe I'll have to rethink this the distance thing. The price is a bit high though I think it's $67 now? Or maybe a bit less, lots of bells and whistles which I used. Hm, tough having to hunt down the perfect gym, time consuming for sure. Ohhhh the one thing is doesn't HAVE is Super Circuit (Curves type workout) which I've always wanted to try out.

    Thanks all:drinker:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I really appreciate all the input gang! I'm so used to a full gym with pools so it'd be an adjustment so I'll have to see. It's close to the price of the gym I was going to but it's so far away I was putting so much money out for gas. But dang I loved that gym! When you have terrific staff, excellent equipment, fabulous hours, friendly members, um, well, can you tell how much I loved it? lol

    Maybe I'll have to rethink this the distance thing. The price is a bit high though I think it's $67 now? Or maybe a bit less, lots of bells and whistles which I used. Hm, tough having to hunt down the perfect gym, time consuming for sure. Ohhhh the one thing is doesn't HAVE is Super Circuit (Curves type workout) which I've always wanted to try out.

    Thanks all:drinker:

    I've seen them advertise monthly specials lately where you can try it out for 30 days before making a commitment. I would check out if that is still an option.
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