Not Loosing Weight



  • gainwait
    gainwait Posts: 40 Member
    Eat more healthy foods more often and hit your macros. I'm sick of people saying I eat junk food all day and still lose weight. I would like to see their muscle to fat ratio plus their cholesterol, sugar and sodium readings after all the junk they eat. There's no saying what half that crap does to your arteries.Yes they may look skinnier but it does not mean they are healthy. Make sure you eat enough protein so you don't lose muscle and enough good carbs and fats to keep your energy levels up. I started out on 1500cals a day.lost weight but I was hungry all the time and got down to 66kg. I looked gaunt and sickly but I now eat 2900cal a day weigh 71kg and maintain it with almost double the calories I use to have as most of my foods are of the healthier kind. There are a lot of threads in here of people who say you need to eat more to lose weight, read them. Good luck
  • Emmadivens
    watch the process foods, it's makes you sugar level higher, which causes insulin, eat a lot of veggis and fruits. grains as well
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    You're not losing weight because you're starving yourself, whether its intentional or not. Your body doesn't know the difference nor does it care even if it did. The initial weight loss you had was more then likely water weight. Until you start giving your body fuel, its going to hold on to every pound of fat for dear life.

    At the very least, you should be eating above your BMR but even that is probably not enough. Figure out your TDEE and eat 20% less.