Camping food!

Hey everyone! Camping season is coming up and in my family we camp a lot! but that also means a lot of junk food and burgers and treats too. So this year I decided to try and bring healthy alternatives to all the goodies our family typically brings in order to stay on track. I'm currently working on a shopping list so I can load up on healthy food options and I'm wondering if anyone had any tips or ideas for healthy camp food?

I should add that we don't exactly rough it lol! we do have portable barbeques and mini fridges so storage and cooking isn't really a problem.


  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    If storage and cooking isn't a problem then just cook what you would normally cook.
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    Fair enough lol! I will be making a lot of my faves to bring, but I guess what I'm asking more specifically is for healthier options for burgers and snack type foods. I have yet to find a turkey burger recipe that I like, or healthy campfire foods.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    What's wrong with lean ground beef on a roll with cheese, lettuce and tomato? Throw on some avocado for the fat, add some veggies on the side, maybe some cantaloupe or watermelon, and it's a perfect meal.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I'm glad you get to go camping!:flowerforyou:
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member

    that is all.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    burgers are healthy.

    how is camping food more junk than normal?? i go camping and i think i eat healthier than at home!!!
  • middyfire
    middyfire Posts: 12 Member
    When we go camping our protein does consist of a decent amount of chicken and we'll splurge on a couple of relatively lean steaks one night. I've never been a ground beef fan so I would lean towards a healthier variety of sausage (turkey, chicken, tofu) on a bun anyway. You can also grill a number of veggies for the campfire taste without the guilt. (I also LOOOOVE grilled pineapple)

    For snacks our main staple is definitely fruit or cut veggies, nuts are also great - especially if you're out and about.
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    Sorry, I wasn't trying to imply that all camp food is junk... Just from my personal experience, there is usually a lot of chips, candy and processed food floating around.

    I totally forgot about kebabs!! and I've never tried grilled pineapple that sounds fantastic thank you :)
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Foil chicken or foil fish. Google it. Or look for recipes on pintrest.
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    Sorry, but you can't go camping and miss out on roasted hotdogs over a campfire. Oh, and DON'T FORGET THE SMORE'S!!!
  • Kendarita
    Kendarita Posts: 11 Member
    Snack foods camping getcha... Bring sliced up fruit, veggies with Greek yogurt ranch, and if you want something chip like get some Pirate's Booty, Veggie Straws, or Special K Cracker Chips...
  • KateHill1981
    KateHill1981 Posts: 43 Member
    I like to bring oranges. Shrimp skewers are good too ( I buy frozen peeled and deveined shrimp) Eggs are a healthy breakfast. Have fun camping!
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    It's fun to make grill packets tht everyone can tailor to themselves- burgers, veggie burgers, chicken, a variety of veggies, sliced potatoes, etc- add some water and seasoning and grill. You cn also put them in a campfire, as long as you've wrapped them tightly in foil. It's a good way to meet each persons needs and tastes. I personally love veggie burgers- especially the Morningstar Farms griller s! Yum!!!
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    Hot dogs, burgers, and Smores!
  • KatieMae75
    KatieMae75 Posts: 391 Member
    Foil packed meals work well. Prepare them at home (ie...chop up chicken breast, add some veggies and olive oil), wrap up in foil, packet style, and toss in your cooler. You can throw them on the campfire or grill to cook. If you Google foil pack or campfire recipes, you'll see quite a few healthy recipes.
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!! Love the foil pack ideas, I'm definitely going to have to make some.
    Smores are my weakness LOL!! That will probably end up being my treat for sure.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    crock pot shredded chicken or whatever other kind of meat you want.
    and turkey biurgers. that's what i'm going to do.

    if the chips and such were brought,bc it's convenient to have food prepackaged and ready to go,
    just do that ahead yourself in zip lock bags.
    trail mix, nuts, cheese sticks anything
    healthy for their lunch box works
    i realize you have refrigeration, but they don't hold in the temp very well,
    and they are limited on space, so much of what you bring is not refrigerated
    melon (it will be a lot easier to deal with in your regular kitchen,
    unless you have a working sink and decent counter space)
    also, you could put a bunch of frozen chicken in marinade
    in a gallon freezer bag, and keep it in your cooler.
    when it's time for grilling the chicken is already seasoned.
    corn on the cob, baked potatoes also super easy to wrap ahead of time
    in tin foil and cook over the fire.
    for breakfast it's easy to do instant oatmeal, or you could make
    steel cut oats in the crock pot over night.

    there are bunch of great camping guides on instructables dot com
    ideas for what to cook, often using only tin foil and a fire so there's no clean up
    some are healthy, some not.
    if you just focus on having good protein and some fruits/veggies should be fine.
    lots of great info of stuff you can make yourself for camping
    like hammocks, fire starters, how to use a camping stove,
    and lots of guides on what to bring. the main thing is
    plan ahead, as fat as advance as you can
    get extra can openers, and such
    so those stay in the camper,
    instead of bringing your own from the kitchen
    and forgetting it somewhere.
    or just forgetting to bring it.
    I did that, and many other things lol
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    Hobos! We make these a lot when camping. It's basically meat and veggies wrapped in foil and grilled.