Is Almond Milk as good as it sounds??



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I can't stand it in cereal. Yuck. It's fine in smoothies though.
  • t_elliot
    t_elliot Posts: 38 Member
    I have tried several brands. My favorite it Natures Own unsweetened. Only 30 calories per cup. I use it in everything and drink it daily. I do not like any of the flavored or sweetened varieties or the tetra packs that do not require refrigeration Only the pure real stuff for me!. It is a bit of an acquired taste. When I first started drinking it I mixed it with 1/3 skim milk. Now I love it on its own! Try several brands and I'm sure you will find one you love as well!
  • MinatoandClover
    MinatoandClover Posts: 160 Member
    I'm really not crazy about it. To me, it just tastes like sugary, milky water. Kinda gross, not so nice to put on cereal or anything. That's just my opinion. I'd prefer soy or whole milk.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I think the original tastes very much like milk. The vanilla is gross. The chocolate is really awesome.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I like almond milk in cereal & coffee. I like vanilla coconut milk to drink and that is also good in stuff. Rice milk I have found is really good to cook with and you can substitute it in recipes that call for regular milk. Hope that helps! As for drinking it plain, I usually go with organic fat free cows milk & sometimes the coconut milk.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    i tried the silk unsweetended almond milk (in my coffee) and i did not like it :( Too used to the regular milk..wish i could love almond milk though...its healthier and low in calories..alas!!
  • thickgirlthin
    thickgirlthin Posts: 5 Member
    it's delish!!
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    I use the blue diamond, but only to make something that calls for milk. I have drank a glass or two in the past and I don't see much point in it.
  • I use silk vanilla unsweetened and original it's my new milk never going back to cows milk plus I love cereal!
    It's not the same as cows milk by a long shot but its worth the trade.
  • I never liked cereal until I tried it with almond milk. Now I look forward to breakfast. In the 3 weeks since I took the chance and tried it out, I've gone through two boxes and went from a no breakfast ever person to a wake up and head for the kitchen person.

    On the other hand, the taste of cow's milk makes me cringe, and it tends to coat my mouth & throat and makes me cough.

    Blue Diamond unsweetened is my favourite, and the fact that the half cup I use on my morning cereal only adds 15 calories to my day is a huge plus.

    I may be a bit biased, though, as almonds have always been one of my comfort foods, so any way to work them into my day is all good for me. I usually have almond milk over vanilla almond cereal, so the flavors would naturally marry well. I've since tried it on other flavors, and I can honestly say I'll never convert back.
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