Exercise and propranolol


My GP has put me on a 10mg dose of propranolol today, so apologies if this question seems obvious / daft - it's all still a bit new to me!

I usualy try to get to the gym 2 - 3 times per week. I've only recently restarted going so I'm not very fit yet - only managing about 35 - 40 mins at a time.

Do I need to stop / reduce this exercise while my body gets used to the new drugs? If so any pointers on how long for would be great. Do I need to make any other adjustments?

Any pointers would be appreciated!


  • uwdawg07
    uwdawg07 Posts: 372
    I was on Atenolol, a similar beta blocker, and didn't adjust my exercise.

    I started out on Propranolol and it made me really tired (which is why I switched), but other than that, I could exercise fine.

    Keep up the good work with your exercising and weight loss!
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    I am on a low dose of propranalol for migraine prevention (though a lot higher than yours). At a low does I would not expect any interaction with exercise. On higher doses you need to adjust your target heart rate goals for cardio as your heart rate will not get as high as normal.

    Please talk to your GP for specific advice that takes into account your dosage, your medical history, and your exercise needs.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Please talk to your GP for specific advice that takes into account your dosage, your medical history, and your exercise needs.

    As medical person I second this. Even if doctors don't know much about nutrition they sure as heck are taught about betablockers. I'm a veterinary student and I have a test on these drugs on monday. However, I only know what they do in animals, so I can't give you advice for humans.