Jessica Smith walking DVD



  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Yes, I found them, but none quite as intense yet as the second half of the power walk on this DVD....didn't do the kickboxing, etc though. She wont have this for "free" for a while I'm sure, the power walk online is different.

    I plan to slowly go through them and see what I like. She isn't too perky and does good instructing. Lesley is great but her chatting grates after a many times can you be introduced to her daughter or guess who's married to whom? : ) I suppose you can put on your own music and just watch the changes. It poured here the other day and I did her 3 mile with weights and then Jillians No More Trouble Zones for strength.
    I sweat but the only walking DVD that had me really sweat was the advanced part of Jessica's.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i'm just going to drop a quick note in here that a lot of people that say they have knee issues that prevent them from doing weighted or bodyweight squats and such usually just have weak legs. after a few months strengthening their legs many of these knee problems go away. i've seen the same with back issues.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I just wish they made this DVD when I was a toddler!

    Probably would've saved me alot of wasted time.

    Unfortunately I'm a self taught walker.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I also don't want to be a downer for these, but walking in place can be more detrimental to the knees than actual walking. It's great that you're exercising, but it is May, almost June, in the Northern Hemisphere, and unless you live in the far north of Arctic Circle (in which case, you're used to the cold anyway), it's warm enough to go outside for a real walk.
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    Love power walking with Jessica Smith, free on YouTube btw.
    I was walking with Leslie Sansome but got bored, Jessica uses a different approach and more upbeat music, ie. Latin beat
    Also Jessica talks to you throughout the walk doing posture checks and such.
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    Wow...people sure are being rude and maybe you should try one of the DVD's before you pass judgement.
    I love Leslie and I use her DVD's when the weather is nasty or cold or its too dark to be out walking safely. For some people just starting out the DVD's could be a challange.

    Really people..
    Some people are morbidly obese
    Some people are just starting out
    Some people have injuries and need low impact
    Some people just like this type of excersize
    Some people are old
    Some people are pregnant.

    The list goes on and on for why you would lean towards this type of DVD. I didnt start out fit. I am now...and I still use her DVD's from time to time just to move when I don't have time or I'm too tired to do my harder workouts. They are more effective for me than a brisk walk since your moving side to side, squatting, moving your arms...etc.

    Some people really need to get off their high horse.

    This!!! MFP is for support, haters of any kind are not welcome!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    If this is truly all you can manage then okay, I get it. Something is better than nothing, but you're going to have to find something a bit more challenging as you improve. Reach a bit and don't sell yourself short.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    MFP is for support, haters of any kind are not welcome!

    Can you verify either of these two ideas? Is there a sticky someplace?
  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    Ok, I admit I tried one of those walking DVD's... but I didn't enjoy it. It doesn't suit my 'workout personality' for lack of a better term.

    However, if you're looking for a low-impact video, I found jillian Michael's "Yoga Meltdown" to be quite challenging. (and it's available free on youtube, if you want to try it)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    So you walk in place? I'm serious here, is it someone on screen that is walking and you walk in place to music and watch scenery?

    it's like any other aerobics video, just at walking pace rather than jogging pace. They're great workout videos for people who don't (yet) have the conditioning level necessary for other workout videos, or who due to age or medical issues can't do faster workout videos.

    not everyone can go out for walks either (climate issues, dangerous neighbourhoods etc), and what some are saying like "why not just go for a walk?" is rather like saying "why do aerobics, why not go out for a run?" - well because some people find it more fun or more convenient to work out with a DVD. You don't really need a reason and I'm sure lots of people do both, i.e. workout videos and going for actual walks/runs.
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    I don't mean to sound naive, but do you really need a DVD for walking?

    Just go for a walk and enjoy the world around you at the same time?

    Increase your pace and amount of time as and when you are ready.

    I don't think this is naïve but some people (such as my self) Don't really have any area to walk in,I live on a very busy street with no side walks so walking for me outside isn't always an option. When I do visit my parents though I try to go for walks. =)
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    It's not really walking, there is some jogging in place but I move do what you do on other DVDs like jillians, high knees, kick backs, jumping jacks, but if you are "lower intensity" they have a walking move you can go down too. I find a sweat more with this one than Jillian's 30 day shred, although I do both. Jillian has more time to cool down. I like it when I can't get out or it's late at night.

    My knees took a beating during a marathon I did 8 years ago...but I know if I strengthen the muscles around them more, it will get better. I work at an Ortho office and know that some knee/back injuries can be improved but not "cured". You have to know your body and get good advice.A lot of back pain is from poor stomach muscles, but Jililan is wrong when she says "Anyone can do jumping jacks" etc. That is not true. You can really hurt yourself.
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    :smile: I love Jessica Smith. She has walking, she has HIIT, cardio, dance, stretch & pilates. Theres something for everyone and better still, its freeeeeeeeee! Doesn't get better than that :)
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member

    I wonder if I'd do well to go back to the aforementioned other calorie counting website. So many times, I've clicked on a topic and been completely blow over by people's arrogance.

    If you don't do walking DVD's, what are you doing posting in a topic asking for advice on one?

    There...rant over!

    Totally agree & well bloody said lol
  • jackson7478
    jackson7478 Posts: 700 Member
    I use Leslie Sansone Dvd's and I will admit that I have trouble with them still. I'm older and I have to have a total knee replacement plus numerous other medical conditions where it is easier for me to exercise at home until I can increase my strength and endurance. Many people are in the same boat. I wish I were able to get out and walk in this beautiful fall weather.

    So for you healthy people who say why use dvd's, if you don't want to buy one to try one out, go to youtube , try one and see the kind of workout that can be achieved by using a dvd.