Why do I keep panicking when losing weight?



  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Your body is not freaking out - your body is totally fine with what is happening and is adapting well if your weight loss is anything to go by. You are the one that is freaking out, so you're gonna' need to work on *you*. What frightens you about losing weight? You need to ask yourself these questions, not us (I mean that in the nicest way possible). There seems to be some kind of mental block in the way of your goals and you'll need to work your way through that if you want to reach your goal. Do you perhaps feel you are becoming less of a person as your weight drops? Why do you think that is? Ask yourself these questions and I hope you'll be able to seek the help you need to reach your targets. You can do it, stay strong.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I will throw my two cents in although I dont know that I will add anything new or different. Years ago, I, unfortunately got sick and lost a lot of weight. Once I got well I decided to continue with the weight loss. I would get comments and compliments, then one day my neighbor saw me and told me that I had lost so much weight that I was skinny. In reality, I have never been anywhere close to skinny, but that comment freaked me out so much that I convinced myself that something was wrong with me and that I should not be losing weight. So I stopped eating like I was eating and gained all the weight back.
    Fast forward to today. People comment on my weight loss and I just say thank you and I put it out of my mind. I try not to focus on my weight too much, but I know I am losing weight and working hard at it. To piggyback off what someone else said, I believe it is all about believing that I am good enough to be healthy and that it is okay to be a healthy size and receive and appreciate the rewards of my hard work.
  • Blubberboss
    Blubberboss Posts: 26 Member
    I don't freak out but I 'grieve' the weight I loose, the portion of my body that's gone. Crazy I know, but I do!