Do Disgusted with myself



  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    if someone told you it would be easy they lied its not easy but nothing worth having ever is. Why do you want this? If your answers are only vain ones then chances are you will fail. BUT if you want to really do this you can. It will take tme. It will take effort. And above all it takes you. No one will hold you back more than yourself. Get out there and get after it if you want it :) You can do this :)
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    I don't even know where to start. I'm 35 and a mom. I work full time, and go to school. I have no energy, no motivation or will power to do this. This time last year I was 25 lbs lighter than I am now and I was in the gym every morning. Now, you can't get me out of the bed if you dragged me. I feel so gross and fat, actually that's putting it nicely. I am just so lost. I love how everyone who is on the outside seems to think it's so easy to just get fit and tone. Yeah if it was so easy, everyone would be in shape. I am so depressed and I don't know what to do anymore.

    Definitely get some blood work done and explain to the doc about the fatigue. You have some motivation or you would not be here on MFP and reached out. Getting back on track is tough and you can do this. I slog my fat *kitten* to the gym every day now - it's tough going and I'm not losing much but I keep at it because I want to be fit and healthy. Also I so want to post my success story here with before and after pictures.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sounds like you might have depression... but that's a long, hard road, my friend, unless you get lucky and find the right combination of medicine and therapy for yourself sooner rather than later.

    As far as you getting healthy again and losing weight, don't overwhelm yourself. It doesn't have to be so hard. A lot of people here have already said it, and they're right - exercise is a natural anti-depressant. As much as it sucks at first, you need to push yourself to do something active. Whatever it is, I guarantee after you've been doing it for 5-10 minutes, you will want to finish. Just try, that is all you need to do. Give it your all, and see what happens. Happiness isn't out of your reach, it's just been lost inside your overwhelmed, over-stressed brain.

    Here is a blog post I wrote just yesterday, maybe it will be helpful to you.

    I hope you feel better soon and can get to a point where this is easier for you. I personally have pretty severe depression, and I can say with 100% honesty that I could never have gotten to where I am now without the aid of antidepressants. I tried, many times, and failed, many times. There is no shame in reaching out for help. Depression is a mental disorder - it does not mean you are insane. You are not lazy, you are not disgusting. It's not your fault that things have become so hard, it is a chemical imbalance. But you have to take responsibility for your own mental illness, if that is in fact what is going on with you. Please believe, that motivated, healthy, happy, outgoing person is still inside you. Don't give up on her. :heart:

    Add me if you want, I'm more than happy to offer some support. :flowerforyou:
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    Thank you all for your advise, I hope by being on this website and getting the support I need that I can finally make this happen. Every year in Jan, I say that I will lose it by summer....then the summer comes and I haven't lost any weight...then in summer, I say I will lose it by my birthday in's been a cycle for the past 8 years (my youngest is 8). I am tired of myself and I am praying to God that he gives me the strength that I need to get through this once and for all this time.

    This was me. The only difference was I didn't wait 8 years but I'm sure if I had I would also have 80 lbs, instead for me it was 4 yrs of this ... so 4 yrs, 40 lbs, about the same.

    Point being every January I said I'd lose weight, only a few lbs to lose so I could get it done by summer! Well every year I DIDN'T and each year those few lbs became a few more lbs. Eventually I decided to do it! I got tired of feeling so exhausted and tired of hiding my body. But I didn't wait till January, I started THAT day. Now it's been nearly 7 months and this summer I WILL be at my goal :) Really you have to sit down and decide once and for all that you are ready to change and you are ready to put in the effort and then you'll see results! You are tired yes, but that might be because of poor food choices (that was my reason, stupid fast food!). Once you change your diet and start exercising, it WILL get easier and you WILL have more energy :) So use this forum topic as your motivation! :D
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    I don't even know where to start. I'm 35 and a mom. I work full time, and go to school. I have no energy, no motivation or will power to do this. This time last year I was 25 lbs lighter than I am now and I was in the gym every morning. Now, you can't get me out of the bed if you dragged me. I feel so gross and fat, actually that's putting it nicely. I am just so lost. I love how everyone who is on the outside seems to think it's so easy to just get fit and tone. Yeah if it was so easy, everyone would be in shape. I am so depressed and I don't know what to do anymore.

    See you Dr, get a physical including thyroid, blood count etc... and talk to your Dr about depression. Rule out anything medical or depression related.

    That aside, ask your self why do you want to change? what's the harm, in staying as you put it "gross and fat".....and don't just think the answer say it out loud, hearing your self say the words is powerful.

    I want to change because:..............
    The harm to me in staying at the weight and level of health I am currently at is :............................

    You can get healthy, you can feel better than you do today....if you choose to. I can't give you motivation but I can offer support and encouragement .