Post Pregnancy...Almost 40... Enough!

JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
Well I reached my highest weight to date, 198lbs, approx 3 years ago. Being 5'9 and chesty, I don't think people believed I weighed quite that much, but my clothes clearly knew - even the clothes that were once a bit baggy now were tight and uncomfortable. I void to change and was going to start a bootcamp when "Suprise! You're pregnant!". Being pregnant was good in that I was more particular about the foods I ate (more clean foods, more fruits and veggies, etc.), and I did incorporate some light physical activity.

Post pregnancy I was not fully prepared for the sleepless nights (until you do it you can never truly know)... and rarely found the time to workout. And I was under the impression that BFing would take all the weight off plus some. It did take some weight off, and after 6 months I had lost all the baby weight. Now I'm dealing with the weight I gained pre-pregnancy. I keep losing a little and then gaining a little, and I'm tired of addressing the same 10lbs. My daughter will be 2 and I will be 39 in June. I want to look good in her birthday pics. I want to feel good turning 39. I want to tackle this now before I turn 40.

I used to weight aroung 165lbs. about 9 years ago and looked great, but then we moved and started eating out more. I would like to get down to 145lbs. I want to be in the best shape in my life.

And I came to the realization that my hubby is a horrible influence. He doesn't like to cook, he'd rather eat out. He started excercising, then got sick, and keeps having trouble getting back to it. So if I want to have something tasty made at home I have to do it. And I can't really count on him for motivation.

I just recently started reading the Beck Diet and have started incorporating some of the principles. I love that it's entire focus is on how we think and working through the mental bicker... Sometimes we can get so caught up in the internal struggle of whether we will eat something or not. And I know that the majority of thin people need to work at it, but I've really started to take that to heart.

This tool is so great for taking responsibility for what we eat and staying concious of it.

I wish the best to everyone - whether you've just started the journey or are farther down the path... because the journey never ends!
