HELP! I'm not losing weight

My weight loss journey began last summer, where I went from 194 to 173 between August and December. I started watching what I ate, and working out a few days a week... but nothing too extreme. That weight seemed to want to fall right off and didn't give me that much trouble at all (even with the holiday season)

But since then, I have picked up the amount that I work out (my endurance is so much better now) and have been following a mostly paleo diet. But since January, I haven't been able to let my weight budge under 165. I fluctuate greatly between 165-170, but never under.

I don't understand.... I'm working out (both cardio and strength) intensely 6 days a week. I aim to hit 1600 calories, but I do know that I almost always fall short. I drink water, don't eat a lot at night, follow all of the rules.

Last year I was tested borderline for a thyroid problem, but my doctor said because I wasn't having any other symptoms and that it was just borderline, not to worry about it for now. Do you think it's worth getting retested? I'm 5'7'' by the way, this should not be the lowest that I weigh and I still have visible body fat around my stomach and arms.


  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    A year ago, I went Paleo for a few months. I gained several pounds but remained the same clothing size. Have you measured lately? What's your body fat percentage?

    What are your goals? If you are working out that hard and eating 1600, you may not be eating quite enough.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    My weight loss journey began last summer, where I went from 194 to 173 between August and December. I started watching what I ate, and working out a few days a week... but nothing too extreme. That weight seemed to want to fall right off and didn't give me that much trouble at all (even with the holiday season)

    But since then, I have picked up the amount that I work out (my endurance is so much better now) and have been following a mostly paleo diet. But since January, I haven't been able to let my weight budge under 165. I fluctuate greatly between 165-170, but never under.

    I don't understand.... I'm working out (both cardio and strength) intensely 6 days a week. I aim to hit 1600 calories, but I do know that I almost always fall short. I drink water, don't eat a lot at night, follow all of the rules.

    Last year I was tested borderline for a thyroid problem, but my doctor said because I wasn't having any other symptoms and that it was just borderline, not to worry about it for now. Do you think it's worth getting retested? I'm 5'7'' by the way, this should not be the lowest that I weigh and I still have visible body fat around my stomach and arms.

    If you have any doubts you could always just request to get your blood work done again. I was diagnosed with hypothryoidism in 2005 - I have annual blood work drawn and my medication has needed to be adjusted several times.
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Get retested... a year is a long time. Also, talk to a nutrionalist and find out what borderline really means and if there is something you should/could be doing to help your cause.

    Good luck.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories back? If you aren't making it to 1600 and not eating exercise back, you might not be netting the "magic" 1200 that are needed to avoid scaring your metabolism into thinking you are starving. I'd try upping the calories by 100-150 per day every two weeks for a couple of months OR stick with the 1600, but make sure you hit it most days and eat back at least 1/2 your exercise calories (so most days your input should total more than 1600)
  • feelagain
    feelagain Posts: 27
    I suck at taking measurements, I need to have someone else do it for me because I swear I measure a different part of me every time. I have gone down a pants size (went from a 12 to an 8 from August to December and then at 8 to 6 since January) but I really want to lose my body fat.

    I haven't had my exact body fat percentage checked in a few months, so I'm sure it's not accurate but I think then it was 30%...
  • feelagain
    feelagain Posts: 27
    Get retested... a year is a long time. Also, talk to a nutrionalist and find out what borderline really means and if there is something you should/could be doing to help your cause.

    Good luck.

    Thank you, I have been told not to go in with an "i can't lose weight" approach because unless you are overweight to the point where it's having an impact on your health... that's not what they care about. Bringing up that I'm always tired might be a more effective way to get them to treat something if it is just borderline.
  • feelagain
    feelagain Posts: 27
    Are you eating your exercise calories back? If you aren't making it to 1600 and not eating exercise back, you might not be netting the "magic" 1200 that are needed to avoid scaring your metabolism into thinking you are starving. I'd try upping the calories by 100-150 per day every two weeks for a couple of months OR stick with the 1600, but make sure you hit it most days and eat back at least 1/2 your exercise calories (so most days your input should total more than 1600)

    I will try this, I did two four days of 1800 calories and was up to 172 by the end of it. Maybe I need to hang it out for a while longer though.
  • Hello. I'm sorry you're feeling so frustrated. I understand. I'm in a similar situation. Over the course of 5 years, I've lost 330 lbs naturally. In the past year, my weight is been at a stand-still. I've tried doing two intense workouts in the early morning and two at night. I've switched to one workout in the early morning and one at night. I do yoga and Pilates. I work hard in the gym and I'm consistent. I eat right. I purchased a heart rate monitor to make sure I'm working at the proper intensity.

    I've learned a few things on my journey; (1) It's important to eat. I have a hard time eating 1600 calories too. When I meet my calorie goal, I find that I have much more energy and my recovery time is reduced. (2) My body weight hasn't changed but my body composition has. I've lost a few sizes while maintaining the same weight. (3) Sometimes over-thinking and stressing will hinder our success the same has lethargy and over eating.

    Until now, I hadn't heard of the Paleo Diet. I just Googled and read about it. Sometimes our bodies grow accustomed to certain foods and even certain meal plans. It may be good to switch it up a little. I'm currently reading Dr. Ian Smith's "Shred: The Revolutionary Diet: 6 Weeks 4 Inches 2 Sizes". I don't know if it's a good plan. It gets good reviews. I usually don't follow "plans". However, Dr. Smith has "real" credentials. He's not a House Husband of Beverly Hills who thinks he knows the secrets of weight loss because he has a skinny wife. <grin>

    My thyroid was tested and it was borderline too. I was worried that this was hindering my weight loss. I went down the long, expensive and time consuming medical path for answers; I found nothing but more frustration. Apparently a "borderline" diagnosis does not change things in our bodies enough to affect weight loss in such a drastic way.

    At this point in time I've decided to stop stressing and continue doing the right things. I will never give up. I'm so much better off. My body is stronger. My insides are healthier. I have more endurance. I wonder if this [stand-still] is life's way of testing our true resolve and determination. Love yourself and love the success you've achieved. I think part of meaningful change begins with loving and accepting who you are in the present time and space.

    Please take a look at Dr. Smith's book. Let me know what you think. I have a few more thoughts but I'm out of time. Fee free to email me. Have a great day!