HELP! I have never actually ran a 5k before from start to finish. I have one tomorrow and am really hoping to make this accomplishment. What should I eat the rest of the day? Should I eat before the race in the morning? Is there anything else I can do to give me the exra "umph?" Any advice would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!


  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    I have a 5K tomorrow too! :) Try to get there early so you have time to stretch. I usually eat a lighter breakfast like a bowl of cereal and a banana (banana's help with cramping). I bring headphones to plug into my Iphone to run to. I think fast music keeps me going. Seeing other people run gives you motivation too. Some people suggest eating pasta or a carb filled dinner the night before, it'll give you more energy. As far as afterwards, get some good protein in you to help repair.

    Good luck!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Don't eat anything tonight that you haven't eaten the night before a run before.
    Don't eat anything tomorrow that you haven't eaten prior to a run before.
    Don't wear anything that you haven't run in before.

    Are you sensing a theme here? :wink:

    Just don't do anything differently than you have been doing prior to running. There is no need to eat or drink anything special before a 5K. No need to carbo load or anything like that.

    Just go out there and have fun.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Good advice! You'll do fine. Remember, just about anyone can finish a 5K. Run, Walk, Run/Walk. Just getting your first organized event under your belt will be a valuable experience for you. And try to save enough to cross that finish line running. : )
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    I will definitely be having a banana and my ipod!
    I am sensing a theme lol. I supposed I shall relax and roll with it :)
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    I've done a bunch of them doing intervals of running and walking. I just want to be able to run the whole time this time!
  • txbandman
    txbandman Posts: 78
    It's not always easy, but try to run conservatively off the starting line - you don't need to try to match the pace of everyone around you - you'll pass them when they start walking 800 meters in.
    You'll do great - let us know how it goes!
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I ran my first 5k last Saturday and have another tomorrow! It's an amazing experience!!! All the advice given here is great. I woke up early last Saturday and had a protein shake- nothing heavy- about 2 1/2 hours before my race. I had been training for it for months, so I didn't really have to worry about not running the whole thing... I'm sure you'll be able to do it, though! Just being around everyone is very motivational and you'll want to keep pushing! If you have to stop, don't stress it. You won't be the only one walking! Good luck :drinker:
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Race day shouldn't be the first time that you've gone 5k. Run it like you practiced it, if you practice 45min 5k's odds are that your going to race close to a 45min 5k.

    Just go out there and enjoy it.

    Edit- The only person you are racing is yourself, if this is your first 5k odds are your not going to be setting any records. So as someone else said pace yourself from the start and you'll pass many of those people later in the race.
  • kahyee
    kahyee Posts: 63
    In addition to the already great advice, run your race. Don't try to keep up with or pass anyone. You've trained for this, so you're more than ready. Good luck and congrats.
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    thank you for all the motivation and advice! it's helped to get me excited, rather than nervous :)