Low energy, tired a lot of the time



  • bubbliemae
    I totally agree with all the advice about eating the right foods, " super foods" Another thing I did is went to an herb specialist. They looked in my eyes, and could tell what systems in my body were weak and needed support. Gave me a list of foods I should eat, should never eat and foods I could eat in a limited amount. They also recommended what herbs and supplements, I needed to support the areas that were having trouble. I am new at this natural way of doing things, but I can tell you I have not felt so good in as long as I can remember!

    Two other things I have done that have dramatically changed the way I feel, well 3 really, NO FAST FOOD!!!! I was addicted!
    NO SODA!!!! Reg. or diet
    Regular consistent exercise.


    These are the things that have changed my life, hope it helps someone else too!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member

    Since I began losing weight from 2008, very very slowly I have lost 24 pounds. Some came back on and then went but I'm a steady 174 now. I do need to lose another 30. Anyway I have PCOS which slows things down and IBS which swells things up. I've tweaked calorie and macro settings, tried 1200 calories, eating back exercise calories - you name it!

    I exercise regularly about 3 or 4 times a week with a mixture of hiking and weights but my main issue now is sheer tiredness. I get tired and low and don't want to do anything..........when I do try it makes me worse.

    I am after some helpful advise. My diary is not always filled in so please don't be rude about that!

    Thank you

    When my blood sugar was high on the regular, I was sleepy a lot of the time & was just plain tired when not sleepy.
    I'm on a ketogenic diet & this along with exercise has helped me to not only lose weight, but keep my BG's within targets of below 120 PP and in the double digits fasting. Everyone's different, but it's worked for me when nothing else did.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    OP – first of all, I could relate to your post and could have posted it myself, word for word. I’m so sorry you have to go through this!

    I work out frequently, track my calories and carbs carefully, and yet have very few pounds loss to account for all my hard work. This has been on-going, for years. I'm also extremely tired ALL the time and lack energy... sometimes to the extent that it is debilitating, regardless of exercise. You’ll get a lot of people saying “just exercise, it will give you energy”; while it can, to a degree, most times you cannot escape the treaded fatigue, if you have a certain condition. It is not the kind of tiredness that is quenched by sleep, though a good night's sleep is necessary of course!

    The sad thing is: You can be doing *everything* right, and still feel this way. I have had just about every test under the sun run on me, so I know my body's deficiencies. I've worked extremely hard to counter these things, and yet many of the symptoms remain. I've basically resigned myself to the lack of energy I feel on a daily basis. The KEY? I don't let it stop me from doing what I know is good for my body: eating a nutritious balanced diet, regular daily exercise, drinking lots of water, and adding supplements that I am deficient in due to my health issues. (Btw, my blood sugars are under control - have been for over a year now - and yet I still struggle with daily, sometimes crippling, fatigue.)

    I have PCOS, insulin resistance, and a slow thyroid. In fact, most women with PCOS have issues with their thyroid, so I wouldn't be surprised if you do too. This probably accounts for the tiredness you are experiencing. The pattern of hypothyroidism that is common to PCOS women is called "Overconversion” – the unfortunate part is that we present with all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism (including the dreadful fatigue), but prescription thyroid medication will NOT help treat this kind of thyroid issue.

    For more info on this I recommend reading: http://www.milwaukeethyroid.com/patterns.html <--- scroll down to read "Pattern 4: Overconversion" or google “overconversion PCOS” and you’ll come up with quite a bit of eye-opening reading material.