
Hello, MFP Community:

Who is using Runtastic? Do you like it? I am trialing the free version on my Droid phone (downloading now).

Comments appreciated!



  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Pay the money for the runtastic pro. It's 5.99 and worth it!
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Agreed - I paid for it and it's very good. I'm not sure about the calorie count as I'm not using it in conjunction with a HRM (yet) but it's very accurate in terms of distance and time/speed per mile/elevation. There are various different exercise categories you can log, it's not just running - walking, cycling, all sorts!
  • ghimm
    ghimm Posts: 38 Member
    Agreed - I paid for it and it's very good. I'm not sure about the calorie count as I'm not using it in conjunction with a HRM (yet) but it's very accurate in terms of distance and time/speed per mile/elevation. There are various different exercise categories you can log, it's not just running - walking, cycling, all sorts!

    I am using it with a heart rate monitor and so far it's been very accurate. I use the free version, but I really enjoy it.
  • Megz2006
    Megz2006 Posts: 122 Member
    I've been using the free version since March, and I love it. I told my husband just yesterday that if it wasn't free, it would be totally worth paying for. I don't think I need to upgrade, but I love the free version. Keeps accurate track of my distance, time, and speed. It also tracks calories, and it tends to be quite a bit lower than MFP, so I always go by whichever is lower.
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    You may want to look into's free and good
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    I have the regular runtastic I don't see the reason why I would want the pro version. But I do have runtastic pushups pro because with the regular one it only trains you up to like 20 pushups.
  • MellyMel340
    MellyMel340 Posts: 20 Member
    I use the pro version of runtastic and i love it!! well worth the $4.99

    you get to sync with you polar HRM ( the iphone 4s or 5 can use the H6 or H7 but if you have a DROID you have to use the Polar WearLink+ transmitter with Bluetooth to be able to sync) , set your training zones, workout with specific goals like distance, pace time etc; get current weather info,, plan your routes in advance with Google maps and preview it on Google earth and sync to your phone, it has live tracking so you friends on Facebook, myfitnesspal and twitter can follow you live on Google earth and cheer you on with sound effects both custom or preset, and you also get a voice coach that tell you your training stats by distance or time and its adjustable and the GPS trace is way better and best of all NO AD's! it has more but those are the ones that stick out for me that the free version don't have. hope my info helped.
  • actlc
    actlc Posts: 84
    I used Runtastic Pro, paired with Zephyr HxM Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor.

    Use it for every run. Very good tools to keep track of my performance, including pace, distance, duration, heart rate & calories.
    Highly recommended.

    The only weird thing is that the reported pace/duration are not the same on the website vs on the phone.
    But to me, it's minor and I just stick to the #s on my phone.
  • mirx66
    mirx66 Posts: 1
    Runtastic, like most of iPhone running apps does not use pulse data in calories counting algorithm. I use Runtastic Pro for 3 months, but only for keeping track of all my trainings. Actually I use other great app for precision calories counting – Polar Beat and I manually enter all the training data into Runtastic "History" tab. Values are automatically synchronized with MyFitnessPal account.