What made you say ENOUGH! ?



  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    Well, I started out at 254.8 on MFP. I was tired of going clothes shopping and not being able to find clothes that fit me well. I also have insulin dependent type II diabetes and wanted to get that more under control and hopefully be able to lower my dosages along the way because even with insurance, the insulin is expensive. (I have been able to decrease Lantus by 15 units a shot and Humalog by 10 units a shot).

    My sister-in-law kept telling me and inviting me to go with her to Zumba, and one day I did. I had a lot of fun at that class, and knew she was using something to track her calories and exercise. I asked her what it was and she told me about MFP. I'm so glad she did! I even got my husband encouraged to join and we're both losing weight!
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    To prove my mother wrong. And I was also tired of feeling chubby.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    It was less 'ENOUGH!' and more 'I'm Ready', if that makes sense
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    When I had to go up a clothing size, almost twice. :embarassed:
  • Leesel66
    Leesel66 Posts: 67 Member
    Seeing a photo of myself at a friends wedding a couple of weeks ago, awful, I just looked awful and felt uncomfortable the whole day as a slideshow was showing pictures of us when we were 18 though to early 30's.
  • hakudoshi82
    I had changed my life once before, and took 48 pounds off before I took a dream trip to Japan. Though I was still very overweight. I had an embarrassing experience with a language barrier where at Universal Studios in Osaka I was told I couldn't fit in the seat and could not go on the ride. Depressed me and then topped off with stress in my life I came home and put on all those pounds back.

    When i woke up one morning and stepped on the scale and see 317 staring back at me, I knew the number well. The exact number I started my first and failed life style change at. I resolved I had only failed if I gave up. And put myseld back on the right track.

    I was upset I had put it all back on, but it taught me the import lesson of how fast weight will return if returning to my old ways.
  • jfaironair
    jfaironair Posts: 26 Member
    I had a whole closet of work clothes. At least 13 pairs of slacks and I could only fit one pair. I was so depressed. Work was stressing me out and my weight was a result of that stress and in turn it made me gain more weight. I hated looking at my body in the mirror.
  • learninmama
    learninmama Posts: 49 Member
    It was a few things for me....

    First was "out growing" all of my scrubs YIKES!

    My knees & back hurting ALL the time!

    Stepping on the scale to find out I was my heaviest.

    I thought about it for a few days & decided I needed to stop making excuses...enough of letting emotions lead food to my mouth....just enough. I am ready to take care of me.
  • mrsldph
    mrsldph Posts: 2
    Seeing myself in a mirror (especially from behind) in a bikini!, oh my! What a state!!!
  • angmshepard
    it is just the right time and I have friends to help me. I'm not good with gym memberships or eating healthy or "dieting", as I put it.

    I've always been "over weight" but at this point I'm past Obese. I'm a big girl any way (I'm 5'8" with wide hips and shoulders), my lowest weight was 165lbs in a size 14, which was 10 yrs ago. I'm 27 now and when I finally decided it was time to do something; I was weighing in at 293lbs. I've always been the "big girl" in my group of friends but when I'm pushing a size 24 jean... I knew it was time for a change. My job was sitting down all day (until yesterday) and I spend quite a bit of time sitting in front of the computer. But I am at so much risk for issues that develop because of weight. enough is enough! I can't find clothes that fit, I can't sit in some chairs comfortably, I can't fly comfortably, I'm tired and sluggish and have little energy or motivation. But with the help of my friends and this site it's finally time for changes.

    I want to be healthy, losing weight is just a side effect of a healthy life style. I want to have kids in the (near) future and I want to be active. MFP has been a huge help. I mostly use it to monitor my daily food intake and I've already lost 6lbs in two weeks.
  • keithmustloseweight
    keithmustloseweight Posts: 309 Member
    I don't want to be associated with people like this

  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I realized that I didn't really have a life ahead of me at my old size. I felt tired and run down all the time. I felt physically disgusting, almost like body dysmorphia. My "social time" involved playing World of Warcraft on my computer. Men my own age frightened the hell out of me. I had crippling shyness and self-doubt, and could not even go out of my house and say hello to someone without feeling very uncomfortable about it - doesn't matter if the person is old, young, ugly, or pretty. I felt inferior to them, and I don't know why. I can only describe my old state of mind as self-loathing on a pathological scale. Most people don't have those feelings when they are big, but I did. If someone can love themselves at any size, more power to them. But I can't. Being the only child in gymnastics class with a pot belly, the only girl at a pool party without a swimsuit, the only teen at prom without a date really takes its toll.

    Thank God that's over.
    I'm fit.
    I'm thin.
    I have muscle.
    I don't have to worry about this **** anymore.
    Everything's good. Blood test results are normal. Even when everything's not good, I know how to not gain weight.
    For someone who thought being obese is genetic and permanent and some kind of ugly curse, this was revolutionary for me.

    Today if I want something, I just go for it.
    Everything worth having is worth working for.
    It's not worth being embarrassed around anyone.
    My shyness is 90% gone. Not even dating brings it out anymore. I don't know if it's some biochemical response to exercise, improved nutrition, or simple confidence from getting svelte, but how can I go back to a half life of misery when there are so many other options available to me?
  • meggyshae
    meggyshae Posts: 357 Member
    I was always over 200 lbs my entire 20's (I'm 27 now)...every year I would put on another 15-20 lbs. Last September my aunt came to visit. She has lost over 180 lbs on her own and kept it off for decades. I woke up one day and went to her and for the first time in my life admitted that I had a serious problem...tipping the scales at 281 lbs. I was crying and absolutely MISERABLE...it took everything out of me to even leave the house to go to the store. I didn't want to be in public because I was ashamed of myself. The moment I decided enough was enough...was the moment I truly changed and have not stopped fighting for my health and happiness!

    I wish you all the best of luck! It isn't easy..but it's SO worth it!!!
  • IreneAdler221
    IreneAdler221 Posts: 185 Member
    I saw a photo of myself and thought, "Holy *kitten*."

    Joined MFP within that week.

    Same here. I think I was in denial of how big I had become until I saw a picture of myself.
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    I'd had enough when we had a family reunion. I saw the pictures and I looked like a beached whale. Nothing looked good on me...I might as well have been wearing a tent. I felt awful. Enough was enough!! I was getting to the point that a size 26 felt tight around my hips. A few months ago my daughters showed me the picture. Now I just feel sorry for that person. I keep that picture to remind me to keep moving and keep logging!!!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    May 22 2008 was not feeling well all day but wasn't sure why took my BP 220/110 was afraid Dr might hospitalize me but was also afraid might have a stroke so that was day 1 . I stopped drinking that day after years of almost a pint of gin a day. First few weeks lost a lot of fluid pressure going down feeling better starting to walk half a block a day and just kept going from there
    May 19 2013 going out to CA. and going to run my first 10K at age 65 with my daughter people say what a difference a day makes well not a day its now 5 years and I will be approaching half my body weight gone by this summer
    I can do it so can you regain your lives have some fun
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Stepped on the scale at the drs. and realized I was almost at the point where I was 8 yrs. ago before I lost weight the first time.
  • LRH64
    LRH64 Posts: 199 Member
    The first time was after my daughter's 12th birthday. I saw a video of myself and couldn't believeit. I was livivg in elastic waist pants and baggy ****s. I was at 183 which was heavier than either time I was pregnant. But that wasn't even the "moment" I said Enough. I brgan having terrible headaches, worse than my "normal" migraines with spots of blurriness in my vision. I had to go thrugh a spinal tap to rule out menigitis. I was ultimately diagnosed with a pseudotumor on my optic nerve and told I needed to lose 10% of my body weight to make sure the symptoms went away and stayed away.
    I went on WW with my mother. It took me a year to reach my goal weight of 150. Because of the medications I am on I set my goal on the high end of the acceptable range for my height. I was able to keep the weight off for 3 years. Then I stsrted TKD and lost another 10 lbs.
    My second time was in the fall of 2011. I was at a baseball game with my husband. The game went into extra innings and all I could think about was how tight my jeans were. The next day I weighed mysel and I was up over 150. I knew I had to do somethig to stop the slide. I decided to write down whst I ate and found MFP went looking for a calorie data base. I set my first goal at 140 but liked MFP and the support I was getting so I decided to challenge myself to lose 15 pounds for a goal of 135. I made that goal within 6 months of starting (took advantage of exercise "points"). I went on maintenance and did ok until this fall when I started to slide again, but I am working through it. Only 3 more lbs to go!!!.