Half Marathon training

Hey everyone! Just trying to get advice about training. I am two weeks out until my half marathon training (May 12th). The longest run I had so far is 11 miles. I ran a half marathon before and Im an occasional runner so training hasn't been difficult for me. This week I had a crazy busy week between school and work and didn't work out at all! Stupid mistake on my part I know and I was busy but its still not an excuse! Im just wondering how to can train the next two weeks. I was thinking to run 11-12 miles this Sunday to get ready for the race and then Friday my friend and I would run the course just to check it out. Just wondering what everyone would suggest for training until race day.


  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I would do one more long run, probably 12 miles and some shorter runs to taper. Don't think doing 13 the week before is a good idea.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,687 Member
    If you're only two weeks out form race day you should be tapering your training. I would run no further than 10 miles a week out from the event and only do a few short runs (half and hour or less) in the few days prior just to keep your legs turning over. There's nothing you can do at this stage to increase your fitness without compromising your performance in the race. You want your legs to be nice and fresh for your race so you feel great and can put in your best effort. Good luck and have fun!
  • jon1289
    jon1289 Posts: 24 Member
    My training schedule on Runkeeper I followed in the last 2 weeks was:
    Sunday 8 miles race pace
    Tuesday 4 miles slow
    Thursday 4 miles slow
    Saturday 3 miles easy
    Sunday 5 miles slow
    Tuesday 3 miles slow
    Thursday 3 miles slow
    Saturday 15 minute shakeout

    Worked a treat!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Most taper 2 weeks out, some only 1. I wouldn't worry about it but I also wouldn't be going out and running 12 miles a week before the race and with no other runs this week; that's asking for an injury. I would so some short runs this weekend, get some stretching and walking in and do 1-2 short runs through the next week. How'd you taper for the last one?
  • onetoughmudder
    I ran (and trained obv) for my first half marathon last year. I didn't run for 6 weeks prior because of plantar fasciitis. I still ran it, never stopped, and finished in 2 hours. I think you're gonna be just fine.
  • bananasandbarbells
    bananasandbarbells Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone! For the last one-I think I ran the course 1 week before on Sunday (so 13 miles the week before) and then I tapered off the week leading to race day. That worked fine for me from what I remember but then again, I didn't take a week off before! I think Ill still do the course on Friday but I think Ill hold off on the long run for this Sunday.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Max I ever run training for a half is 10 miles. I would do minimum a 10 mile long run the weekend before and stick to one short run (3miles) early the week of

    Good Luck !