5 Ingredients To A Healthy Lifestyle

kmkenfield Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
The first things I think of when I hear the word "ingredients" are recipes and cooking. You take different items, mix them together and the end result is something great. If you think about it the same really goes for a healthy lifestyle. You just need to do a few key things and if you do the right amount of them the end result will be the same-something great!

Exercise-the obvious of course. However you can squeeze it into your day do it! Take a 20 minute walk, go to the gym, take two laps around your block, swim, jump rope, hula hoop-ANYTHING! Be consistent about it and change it up to keep it fun.

Eat good- another obvious one. Watch what you put into your mouth, a piece of cake or burger is okay every now and then, everyone needs a splurge but don't make a habit out of it. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, keep your meat lean if you choose red meat, and eat organic if you can-less pesticides. Drink large amounts of water and stay away from soda and energy drinks. Try and get your energy from your food.

Relax-stress can take its toll on your body and mind, take a few minutes each day to just unwind and loosen up, stretch your neck, take a few deep breaths in and out. If you have extra time, try to meditate for a bit, sit in a quiet area, focus on coming to a peaceful state of mind. Taking the time to wind down is important otherwise you will continually feel frustrated and overworked. Stress is also a top reason that people tend to overeat so try and keep yourself in a calm frame as often as you can. If you know you are going to be in a high stress situation, prepare for it, meditate ahead of time, get a good night's sleep, and choose healthy meals and snacks.

Happiness-do something that brings a smile to your face. Whether it's doing something for yourself or for someone else do something that brings cheer to your life. Certain studies have even shown that people who are healthy and positive have better health overall. So smile and laugh more, try not to take yourself so seriously all the time.

Get Enough Sleep- Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. And it's not just about sleeping for that certain amount of hours, it's about the quality of the sleep you get as well. If you are constantly being woken up or your sleep is frequently cut short you are not getting a good night's sleep. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine women's sleep tends to be lighter and more easily disturbed. Getting enough sleep helps boost your immune system and allows you to perform better overall during the course of your day. So make sure you go to bed at decent hour and get your uninterrupted zzzzz's.

These 5 ingredients are your key to a healthy life style, mix them all together and what you end up with is a fabulously healthy YOU!


  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Great post!!! I agree with everything said :)
  • Kudzu
    Kudzu Posts: 87 Member
    Very well stated!!! Thanks! :smile:
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