Hey myfitnesspal people!

Hello everybody, my name is stephanie. I live in los angeles, california and I am 22 years old. this is my second attempt at shedding these last few pounds. My highest weight ever was 187 lbs, currently 152lbs. I aim to be 125lbs, but if I like how my body looks at another weight, that would be fine as well. Im getting married in september of next year, so I really want to tone up. Right now I run and home exercises, trying to incorporate weight lifting into my weekly regimen. I hear lifting does wonders for the body in regards to muscle tone and melting fat. I dont really post in the forums because I mainly use the app to log activites and calorie intake, but im making this poat to find people to add as friends to stay motivated. Feel free to add me! We can motivate and help each other out.

My problem is that I love food, like, all kinds of food. so my issue is staying within my goal intake of at least 1400. I usually can keep it there, refueling as I need to when I workout. But lately ive been eating out a lot because we had no food in the house, so that was difficult. but groceries have been done tonight so im starting over NOW.


  • MNtwentysomething
    Hey, I'm in a similar situation. I'm looking to lose about 20-25 to get to my goal weight. I actually threw my scale out last summer but recently ordered another one which arrived today. I'll weigh myself tomorrow when I wake up to see what my actual starting point will be. Then we'll hopefully see it go down. :)

    I'm also engaged and getting married next May, so I have a full year. In the meantime I have other friends weddings where tons of pictures will be happening...and bridesmaids dress fittings so I'd really like to feel comfortable and confident.

    I've also started running in the morning and the free RunKeeper app has been super helpful with keeping me motivated and its actually sort of fun to see my mileage increase, so I'd definitely recommend it.

    Anyway, welcome! There are definitely a lot of us in the same boat, so I'd love to share some mutual encouragement.
  • Stephanie_marquez
    Stephanie_marquez Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, I'm in a similar situation. I'm looking to lose about 20-25 to get to my goal weight. I actually threw my scale out last summer but recently ordered another one which arrived today. I'll weigh myself tomorrow when I wake up to see what my actual starting point will be. Then we'll hopefully see it go down. :)

    I'm also engaged and getting married next May, so I have a full year. In the meantime I have other friends weddings where tons of pictures will be happening...and bridesmaids dress fittings so I'd really like to feel comfortable and confident.

    I've also started running in the morning and the free RunKeeper app has been super helpful with keeping me motivated and its actually sort of fun to see my mileage increase, so I'd definitely recommend it.

    Anyway, welcome! There are definitely a lot of us in the same boat, so I'd love to share some mutual encouragement.

    Congratulations on your engagement! And thank you for the welcoming. I got your request, about to accept. Lets do this! How oftem are you working out?
  • MNtwentysomething
    My main thing will be running, which I'll do about 5 days a week. I honestly want to run everyday now because it just makes me feel good, but I'm being really diligent about giving rest days. I'm just starting and building mileage I don't want to wear my feet and shins out too much. So I probably run 5 days a week, with just two rest days sprinkled in. On days I don't run I'll do Jillian or walk a ton. How about you? Do you have something you really like?