New to MFP and looking for friends

Hi everyone. I am a 32 year old female who is tired of squeezing into her jeans. I am looking for some friends kind of like me to help motivate myself and others into a healthier lifestyle. Pls feel free to add me, thanks.

Height 5'5-5'6
CW 230
GW 180 (my realistic goal for now)

I have decided when I hit my goal weight I will treat myself to a tattoo!


  • duvella
    duvella Posts: 30 Member
    Hey, I'm relatively new too (i've been here a week!) I've found it to be great. I'm keen for friends here too. :)
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    Always happy to make new friends and motivate people. add me if you'd like.
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, Friend request has been sent. I am Yvette. I am also on a lifestyle change and journey. I am on here alot to keep myself motivated and get support and give support and encouragement.
    I am 5ft 8
    My starting weight was 227 lbs in June 2012 always been obese
    Current weight 167 lbs. April 2013
    Goal Weight 150 lbs. I have 17 lbs to go until goal but I can't ever stop this lifestyle if I don't ever want to go back because only the same person becomes obese again and I have lost and regained it all back in the past from not sticking with my changes. So I am looking forward to goal but know It's not temporary unless I do something about it!
    I am trying to keep myself laser focused for this purpose I use the site . Lets reach our goals supporting one another we can do this. :happy: