Blargh, coconut oil!



  • MrsDRS54
    MrsDRS54 Posts: 17 Member
    I mix it into my smoothie. Much better than trying to drink "oily" coffee.
  • Thanks for the tips! I mixed it in with a smoothie yesterday morning and it was delicious! Much better than the oily coffee route. Later in the day I took my second tablespoon with chai tea and added cinnamon - cinnamon really counteracts the oily feel in your mouth, so that was pretty good too (not preferred but I can't drink 2 smoothies a day, too much sugar even just using plain yogurt and a wee bit of milk.) That fudge looks awesome too.

    Re: my allergy, I haven't gotten any hives since the first day (when I had 3) and no more nausea. I think the nausea was just related to taking straight coconut oil as I had never done that before. As I mentioned it's a very mild allergy so likely it was a one-time thing (or maybe it wasn't related at all - I get hives randomly all the time from inadvertently touching something "chemically" that I'm allergic to.)

    On day 4, I can report a couple real benefits:

    - My skin is WAY less dry; four days ago it was literally flaking off my face. I live in an extremely dry climate and it's winter here, so doubly dry. I was literally waking up with rough patches on my face and hands, even with a humidifer. Now both are much improved, especially my face. I haven't been doing anything different moisturizing-wise except taking the oil.

    - Yeast is almost gone!!!! I would not have believed it could work so well if I hadn't seen it myself, I basically went on coconut oil as a last resort. (At this point I probably would have sacrificed a virgin if someone told me it would help, I've had yeast for over a month.) I am completely taken aback with how fast this has changed, because I've been on fluconazole the whole month and a probiotic with no change or even improvement. I'm still taking those two things but the coconut oil really kicked it into high gear.

    Those are the two things I noticed it DOES do. I know a lot of people promote it as magic for all your ills; I don't personally believe that but I can say what it has done for me is totally worth it.
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    I am with you on the dry skin problem. My skin is incredibly dry year round. Since just incorporating it into my foods(to cook with, making my fudge, etc.) and eating it normally, my skin is looking amazing and my face is not dry at all. I have tried lotions in the past and nothing worked. So just for that I am happy.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I'm not sure if it's wise to continue to eat something that triggers your allergies.

    Exactly. A mild reaction can become more severe over time. I would not risk it.
  • Mendham07945
    Mendham07945 Posts: 17 Member
    I make steel cut oatmeal in the crockpot. Make multiple portions and divide it for use during the week. I put the coconut oil in the hot oatmeal, mix in some chia seeds, splenda brown sugar, and top with a banana. Yum!
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm not sure if it's wise to continue to eat something that triggers your allergies.

    Exactly. A mild reaction can become more severe over time. I would not risk it.
    what they said.
    I do not eat it.
    I use it as a skin moisturizer only.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I liked to put it in my tea. so you don't taste it.

    I also enjoy cooking with it. I cook a lot of my meats in it, and also will mix coconut oil into my rice or veggies.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    bump for ideas....
  • EnuffaMyButt
    EnuffaMyButt Posts: 111 Member
    I use it in my coffee instead of creamer. Add a tblsp to your coffee, blend it and you've got a delicious, frothy coffee! It's amazing!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Another thread on guzzling coconut oil. Yes. There. Have. Been. Others.

    Try cooking with it.

    Or try consuming things that you are not allergic to.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    anything cooked in coconut oil tastes amazing. i love cooking my pancakes in it, stirfrys, and in the morning i put some in my frying pan and some on my face.

    virgin cold pressed!!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    You probably have already done this for Candida, but if not you should. Immediately. Like yesterday ;-) Stop eating processed foods!!! I too have a Candida overgrowth resulting from long term antibiotic use - it can't be helped. I'm allergic to all anti-fungals so I'm SOL on that. Once I stopped eating processed foods, the Candida subsided. That being said, when the processed foods start slipping back in the overgrowth continues.
    Also take probiotics. I take the pills with mega doses of multiple strains of probiotics. Yogurt is fine but eat the plain kind with no added sugars. Sugars fuel yeast! If you do these things, you shouldn't need to take the coconut oil. :-)
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    If you don't like it don't eat it. I put it in shakes or cook with it. Avocados are a healthy fat.