Pros/Cons: Honey as an allergy fighter?

tristan83 Posts: 51 Member
I have pretty bad allergies and have heard that if you take a tablespoon of organic honey made in your area of residence it will subdue the allergy intensity. Does anyone do this? Are there any pros or cons to a tablespoon of honey a day? I'd rather do this (if it works) than the medicine I take everyday. I would just try it but the jug of honey at the local store is expensive. Also it is made in a town about 15 miles away and I didn't know if that would have a different effect than one made in my town. It seems like the trees, pollen, etc would be the same. I also have pets though and didn't think it would be a good defense against pet allergies.

Any info is appreciated. Thanks in advance!



  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm a city girl with an existing allergy problem.
    When I moved to another state with trees and lots of them they got 10 times worse. So I had about 1-2 TBS a day and now they are sooooo much better. I'm down to not using it anymore. If I feel it coming on I'll go back to the honey. But for now I've saved a ton from not buying meds :happy:
  • Shy1979
    Shy1979 Posts: 75
    Wow, I've never even heard of that . My kids have terrible seasonal allergies. They are taking Zyrtec every night, but it only seems to help a little bit. I am definitely going to try this and see if it will help.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    It's a very old and very successful homeopathic/natural remedy. The philosophy behind it is similar to flu shots. You get a little bit of the irritant to stimulate your body's natural resistance. Essentially, it helps you build up immunity. However, it will only work if you are getting honey that is natural to your area and if your allergies are pollen allergies.

    So, if your allergic to pet dander---it's no help LOL
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    i have become a believer of the local honey remedy. i pay about $10 for a large jar and i have 2-3 tbls a day, i actually stopped about 2 weeks ago because i thought the season was over and to save the carbs and cals. well ........ im sitting here with a box of tissues and cough drops and feeling like crap fist time in almost a year i havbe been sick and i think it is just allergies.

    buy the honey use it religously. exspecially for kids. no side affects accept carbs and cals.