Ummm...I am NOT a loser.

This whole "I'm a loser" thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I get it, The Biggest Loser show has made everyone think that being a "loser" is main stream and a good thing. In reality, it's just trying to put a positive spin on something negative for marketing reasons.

People get/are fat, they feel self conscious, they don't like the way they look, the way they feel...or most of the time... they don't like themselves in general. By saying that you're a loser to make yourself feel better seems counterproductive to me.

If you're making the changes to get healthy, lose weight, improve yourself, then aren't you a winner? Aren't you doing something positive? Shouldn't you refer to yourselves and your actions in a positive way?

I think Charlie Sheen had it right. Personally, I'm winning. I'm gaining confidence, a new wardrobe, more energy, I'm conquering fears, reaching new goals, making new goals, trying things I NEVER thought I was going to even think about trying (Warrior Dash or any 5K run of any type), and just becoming a better me. The only thing I'm losing is weight and the trash that comes with being overweight and unhealthy. The winning totally outweighs the losing.

The Biggest Loser has some good things associated with it, it has helped more people try to get a healthier life, but its not all its cracked up to be if you want to be honest. It sets unrealistic goals for the average person who doesn't have some high priced trainer yelling at them, we're not going to win prizes or get our food bought, planned, and prepared for us, WE are doing that for ourselves. A lot of those contestants end up gaining back the weight they lose, or lose it at a ridiculous and unrealistic pace...all for ratings.

IF you decide to lose weight, YOU are the one who is your best friend or your worst enemy. YOU decide what, when, where, and how. YOU are the one who ultimately motivates you. What does this mean? It means that you succeed or fail based on you. YOU are the one who reaps the benefits or has to live with the failure. YOU are the one who is in charge of your life. YOU, and ONLY YOU are the one who is winning for you.

Don't be a loser. Think about it...aren't we done being losers? Aren't we done with all the negative things that come with being over weight and unhealthy?

I am a winner. I am AWESOME. I am a sexy beast. And I don't need anyone else to tell me that, because I know I am and that's what matters most.



  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    you should definitely try these body wraps they tone tighten and define in 45 minutes with progressive results over the 72hr time frame, i love them, everyone does look at the results and even shop online now But thanks for the spam post.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    lol poor guy posts something decent and gets spam replies.

    I get what you're saying, though. But if people want to call themselves losers, let them. We can sit in our winners corner and be winners instead.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    try raspberry ketones.
  • Skinnymunkii
    Skinnymunkii Posts: 191 Member
    Heck yeah! *fist bump* :drinker:
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    try raspberry ketones.

    Never thought about that!! Sounds legit!! Thanks!!!

    Will this work for the raspberry ketone delivery method?

  • evis67
    evis67 Posts: 2
    hmmm well I'm from Sweden and don't have English as my first language but I think about biggest losers as in the one who loses the most weight - not being a "loser".......but I can be terribly wrong....:blushing:
    Keep up the good work everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Personally, I am winning! See that happy smile on my face with my Dad this last Easter? The ways I am winning...

    I've lost 133 pounds.
    I have 12 pounds to go to reach my UGW.
    I have completely normal blood work now.
    I have no more high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, etc.
    I no longer have sleep apnea.
    I have removed 532 pounds of pressure on my double knee replacements.
    I am wearing the same bra size I wore in high school.
    I went from wearing a 26W in clothes to a size 10 currently.
    I'm getting ready to do my first 5K.
    I have energy that I haven't experienced in a long time.
    I've logged faithfully for 555 days as of today.
    I'm 58 years old but healthier than I have been in many, many years.

    So yeah, I am a winner and I surround myself with as much positivity as I can.

    And oh yeah, forgot to add....I am exercising regularly something which I never did before!
  • BleedsCoffee
    BleedsCoffee Posts: 247 Member
    I really think it's just about your frame of mind. If you equate losing those pounds with being a "loser" and that, to you, is succeeding... I see no issue with calling yourself a loser. Heck, I don't mind being called the "c-word" simply because I feel that it has more positive connotations than it has negative, but it's highly offensive to many other individuals. Of course, I do recognize that it can be seen as being highly offensive and never make use of it against others, but I've been known to use it when referring to myself (with friends that are comfortable with my use of it).

    Sure, The Biggest Loser is really more about ratings and profit than it is about helping people to adjust to a healthy, sustainable lifestyle, but... it's also taking away some of the power that the word "loser" has had in the past. Language evolves. I think it's important to evolve with it and make an effort to understand all of a word or phrase's ramifications instead of just deciding that a word is bad or wrong.

    And Charlie Sheen as a role model? Not sure if want...
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    you should definitely try these body wraps they tone tighten and define in 45 minutes with progressive results over the 72hr time frame, i love them, everyone does look at the results and even shop online now

    And you do know that these are not permanent results, right? Might be great to fit in a certain dress for one night, but once you start hydrating your now dehydrated body you just gain the water weight back again.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Cm I agree w/ you 100% - exactly why I got my "WINNING" wrist tattoo just like Charlie Sheen. It's a great reminder of how awesome I am/can be, and I think it's a great motto. Granted, his delivery of the idea - to most people - made him sound crazy. lol. But I felt he was on a level of understanding that was pretty awesome. I was never a fan of "Charlie Harper" - but I consider myself a fan of the Masheen lol. Thanks for the post! Really enjoyed it! :)
  • katebigue
    katebigue Posts: 48 Member
    I agree with all the posts. Like someone else said I'm also winner for loosing the weight and still loosing the Weight. And I think the biggest looser is after the ratings. How many of those contestants from that show gain their weight back and more back is what I want to know?
  • TimeForMe99
    TimeForMe99 Posts: 309
    Personally, I am winning! See that happy smile on my face with my Dad this last Easter? The ways I am winning...

    I've lost 133 pounds.
    I have 12 pounds to go to reach my UGW.
    I have completely normal blood work now.
    I have no more high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, etc.
    I no longer have sleep apnea.
    I have removed 532 pounds of pressure on my double knee replacements.
    I am wearing the same bra size I wore in high school.
    I went from wearing a 26W in clothes to a size 10 currently.
    I'm getting ready to do my first 5K.
    I have energy that I haven't experienced in a long time.
    I've logged faithfully for 555 days as of today.
    I'm 58 years old but healthier than I have been in many, many years.

    So yeah, I am a winner and I surround myself with as much positivity as I can.

    And oh yeah, forgot to add....I am exercising regularly something which I never did before!

    You are my new hero! :flowerforyou:

    So many women complain that they can't lose weight after 40 - you're proving them wrong!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Personally, I am winning! See that happy smile on my face with my Dad this last Easter? The ways I am winning...

    I've lost 133 pounds.
    I have 12 pounds to go to reach my UGW.
    I have completely normal blood work now.
    I have no more high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, etc.
    I no longer have sleep apnea.
    I have removed 532 pounds of pressure on my double knee replacements.
    I am wearing the same bra size I wore in high school.
    I went from wearing a 26W in clothes to a size 10 currently.
    I'm getting ready to do my first 5K.
    I have energy that I haven't experienced in a long time.
    I've logged faithfully for 555 days as of today.
    I'm 58 years old but healthier than I have been in many, many years.

    So yeah, I am a winner and I surround myself with as much positivity as I can.

    And oh yeah, forgot to add....I am exercising regularly something which I never did before!

    You are my new hero! :flowerforyou:

    So many women complain that they can't lose weight after 40 - you're proving them wrong!

    Thank you so much and soon I will be creating a FB page for anyone wanting to lose weight but I'm especially targeting those who are older who have been told you cannot lose weight because of your age. I want to be a spokesperson for the older crowd. I have not had any kind of WLS. So many times the older folks need a little extra help and I want to motivate them and inspire them that regardless of limitations (double knee replacements), you can make adjustments and get stronger and lose weight.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I never liked the Biggest Loser because I don't think it is healthy to compete for weight loss. It is something that a person needs to do on their own schedule, and take some time to commit to it.

    However, I wouldn't want to associate myself with Charlie Sheen either. I don't think he's a healthy role model for anyone.

    We do need to see our efforts as something positive, though. I try to see it as getting healthy and fit. I am working toward being stronger and getting more energy. Rather than focus on what has been lost, I try to focus on the rewards.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    i love this. recently i realized how few people believe in me, but actually acknowledging this reminds me of who does...and most importantly that i believe in myself. because truly, i am a winner, far more than any of those idiots know.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    Amazing! You have done great things for yourself!:smile: