I had a huge wake up call....

Last night, I had a dream about myself. It was January 14th, my Birthday and I was all cute and ready to go out with my man and have a little party.... I was dressed in this tight shirt and tight pants and I was HUGE. I was at the same weight as I am now.... and quite frankly, I hated my dream. I have 90 pounds to lose in order to reach my goal weight and I am DETERMINED to be at at least 160 by January. That would be 80 pounds in the next 9.5 months...... I think that I can do it if I REALLY put my mind to it. I want to be able to for once in my life blow out my candles, eat a piece of cake and walk around talking to people without having to worry about what other's are thinking or how I look so big and bad.

Some people pick their outfits out months in advance that they want to fit into but, I haven't been below 200 pounds since elementary school and I am going to try my hardest to get down to 160 and I will choose my clothes than. Who knows what I am going to look like, not me! I just want to look sexy, fun and flirty in a cute outfit on my Birthday. I hated my dream and that's when I had the biggest wake up call of my life.

Thank God for dreaming and following your dreams!


  • I think "wake up calls" can be so good! I had one also, and I use it EVERYDAY for my motivation to keep going!! I'm 5 weeks into my journey and this week has been a bit of struggle to keep motivated but, I use the day I had my wake up call to push my butt in gear!! Like you, I also believer that I CAN accomplish anything I put my mind too & thus far, it's paying off! :) Feel free to add me if you'd like..I'd love another friend!!
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    look how far you have come! Fantastic:smile::smile: :smile:
    If I may share, try to focus on continued best health, healthy eating, activity and weight loss will come. I realized that I am afraid to set an absolute goal r/t weight and date as I don't need all the negative self talk and feelings that have come to mind in the past. Don't get me wrong - goals are great but we have to be kind to ourselves and focus on what we have accomplished and carry on.

    Take care:smile::heart: :smile: