Can someone take alook at my food diary?



  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    Thanks for the replys will take it all onboard. I didnt realise the juice hd so much sugar in I was just so fed up with water lol. I have also just noticed the soup contained quite alot of thats thrown me.

    Hi, Samantha! I don't know how the labeling laws work where you are. But here's a friendly pointer on ingredients: the higher up on the list of ingredients, the more of it there is in the item. Thus, if the list for grape juice reads: water, sugar, grape juice,'s got a lot of sugar. Hope that helps!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You're taking Xenical. So our advice isn't going to help much.

    Why are you taking Xenical???
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You're taking Xenical. So our advice isn't going to help much.

    Why are you taking Xenical???

    Yep....missed that - sorry - no advice on your diary is going to be worth much while you are taking a drug that makes you leak when you eat fat - be it good or bad....
    You need fat in your diet, you need to make your own choices without the threat of leaky accidents if you don't "behave".... You need to adopt a lifestyle to make you successful - not drink a pooping pill....
  • gainwait
    gainwait Posts: 40 Member
    Sugar intake is fine and yes your settings are a bit low, anyway its mainly from fruit. Fat is not your enemy especially good fats from nuts, fish etc. Shouldn't need pills to help weight loss just a healthy diet with good exercise and take your time as any quick loss will not always be fat but muscle and water as well. Good luck
  • SamanthaMitch1981
    Perscribed them by my GP just to give me a helping hand, Ive tried cutting down before I just dont have the will power, but taking Xenical I know I cant be naughty without paying for it, thus far this has just happend once and this was on day one of taking them, so I must be eating ok I suppose otherwise I would be having more Xenical 'episodes'