Salsa??? Does anyone know a good one?

FabiolaEnvy♥ Posts: 730
edited September 21 in Recipes
Do you have any salsa recipe or at least know where i can find a website for salsa??
just ran out of salsa from (pace) but i dont want to run to the store just to get salsa. i have all the ingredient to make salsa. but i honestly dont know how to make it or what to do?

any helps? thanks in advance


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Here's one from a girl whose blog I follow:

    Roasted Tomatillo Salsa from Sunset
    3/4 lb tomatillos
    1/4 lb pearl onions
    2 mild green chilies
    1/2 c. packed cilantro
    2 - 4 tbsp lime juice

    Pull off and discard tomatillo hulls, rinse all tomatillos and set aside one.

    Place the remaining tomatillos, the chiles and the onions (unpeeled) on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil. Place the pan under the broiler until all the vegetables are charred, turning once to cook all sides. The tomatillos should be soft. Let the vegetables cool. (You can also do this in a 10 - 12 inch cast iron skillet, but be prepared for some major cleaning afterwards).

    Peel the onions (you basically just pop them out of their skins), pull the loose skin from the chiles and discard, along with the stem and seeds.

    Put the cooked vegetables, the uncooked tomatillo and the cilantro in the food processor. Pulse until it reaches salsa consistency. Stir in lime juice and salt to taste.

    I know she posted another one and just did canned tomatoes instead of the tomatillos and added some jalapenos. You really could just do whatever peppers you wanted! :happy:
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    check out this website. there are so many salsa recipes!!
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    chop tomatoes
    Add chopped onion, garlic, green onions.
    Add tomato sauce
    Add jalepenos, chopped
    Add vinegar, salt and pepper.
    Refridgerate for a short while- EAT

    I did not put amounts b/c I never measure anything. Just mix all to taste! If you have Rotel, throw some of that in too!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    My fave salsa is chile tepin salsa: 4 roma tomatoes, 1 section of a clove of garlic, 6 chile tepin balls ( this can be substituted by chopped jalapenos), 1 cup of water all into a blender, blend and sprinkle salt to taste. simple and tasty Mmm
  • Hi! Just started making my own salsa about a few months ago since I was tired of paying for PACE and they only give you so much! ANYWAY...the way I do it, it's simple, tastes like "mexican restaraunt" salsa. You need:

    3 tomatoes
    1/2 yellow onion
    1/2 large green pepper
    1/4 cup jalapenos (adding more depending on how hot you want it)
    2 garlic cloves (or 2 Tbps. minced garic)
    salt and pepper to taste

    YOU NEED TO BOIL THE TOMATOES AND ONIONS FOR ABOUT 3-5 MINUTES BEFORE YOU PUT IN BLENDER! Put all of your ingredients in a blender/chopper and enjoy!
    You can play with the indgredients too, I add cilantro in it sometimes, gives it an authentic taste!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I recommend looking into the ones your local grocery store makes. Mine has a good one, and also carries a brand called Table Top. Nom, nom, nom!
  • thanks everyone truly a help :)
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    This one is AMAZING. I'm making it this weekend. I just don't put as many hot peppers in it as it calls for
  • beccasetsfire
    beccasetsfire Posts: 135
    My favorite salsa is Margaritaville Regular Medium. Only place IO know that has it is BJ's Wholesale Club... sooooo good!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Here's one from a girl whose blog I follow:

    Roasted Tomatillo Salsa from Sunset
    3/4 lb tomatillos
    1/4 lb pearl onions
    2 mild green chilies
    1/2 c. packed cilantro
    2 - 4 tbsp lime juice

    My homemade salsa is similar to this except I use jalapenos instead of the mild chilies and also add a couple of TBS of crushed garlic. Sometimes I'll add half of a can of chipoltle peppers in adobo for a different flavor (kinda similar to Chevy's). If you do go this route and roast your tomatillos - I would recommend covering the pan loosely also, when they pop open they make quite a mess!

    My favorite jarred salsa is Green Mountain Gringo brand.
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    My roommate literally will put one jalepeno and two tomoatoes in a blender and tada...the salsa is done. Add a littel salt and thats all. It tastes sooo good. Add more tomatoes if its too spicy.
  • thanks sooo much :D

    juice of 1 lemon
    1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
    2 1/2 cups chopped tomatoes, (romas are the best)
    2 to 3 jalepenos, chopped
    1 medium onion, diced
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1 tsp. salt

    The seeds can be removed from the jalapenos to reduce heat, if desired.
    Mix all ingredients in bowl. Stir well to evenly distribute all flavors and then enjoy. It tastes so good!
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