low carb diet and having LOW appetite

I just started low-carbing on the recommendation of my PCP (doctor) who said he had lost "50 lbs in 4 mos". Now since he is male, I would never expect those kinds of results, but since he really wanted me to try it, I am. The huge problem I am having is eating *enough* calories. He said to keep the carbs under 100 per day, I'm averaging between 30-50 right now. I am never hungry, I have to force myself to eat every 3 hrs even thought I don't want to. I've never had such a struggle getting myself to eat. This was only my first week but my appetite PLUMMETED immediately and I know I'm really not eating enough. I'm trying to incorporate more fruit and veg in the hopes I can cram that in without it making me feel so full, even though I know people advocate those to *help* you feel full. I'm eating 800-900 cals a day this week, and getting that much in is truly a struggle. To give you a contrast, over a year ago, when I was dutifully logging and exercising and eating healthy carbs like whole grains, I would eat 1300-1400 net carbs, so 1700-1800 on a typical day when I burned 400 from exercise. I lost some weight but *very* slowly.

Today was day 6 for low-carbs, and I was suddenly (like overnight) SO fatigued. I was expecting this a few days ago, and I'm wondering if my liver just ran out glycogen now, and this is the "crash", or if it's because I'm not eating enough of anything. Earlier in the week I was getting in some moderate exercise still, but I can barely lift a muscle today. :P

Has anyone had this problem while low-carbing...not wanting to eat much at all? :/ And is what I'm feeling today that conversion point ,where my body is out of "easy fuel" and maybe switching to using fat, vs. just too little food altogther? Thoughts?


  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    WOW, am I really the only person on this whole site who has had this problem? :O
  • Paco4gsc
    Paco4gsc Posts: 119 Member
    WOW, am I really the only person on this whole site who has had this problem? :O

    Yes...jk. I honestly don't really know much about diets like low carb, but if the restriction is only <100g / day, you could try adding some nuts to the mix. One serving of nuts is not too filling (about 1/4 cup) and usually has at least 200 calories and very little carbs.
  • juleskitcat
    juleskitcat Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there. I am doing Dr. B - which essentially is very low carb and low everything... Dr. monitored. I know what you mean re: your appetite does decrease once you get off the carbs. My suggestion is to try and add variety in your fruits and vegs. Grill or bake zucchini, red tomatos and red peppers, YUM! Have some strawberries in a smoothy and try to eat a high protein pita with cr. cheese (lite) and roasted vegs, maybe a bit of hummus and some chicken... Just try and plan out more VARIETY of foods... It's worked for me... and I had the same exact challenge... Also for fruit - 1/2 grapefruits..yum!
  • sue2328
    sue2328 Posts: 22 Member
    hi - yes, this is quite a common problem when low carbing, but if you don't eat enough you will not lose. I found the answer was to up my fat intake - and saturated fat at that.

    i have found this the most difficult thing to do - much harder than going without bread or potato. I am fighting 40 years of low fat/high carb = good diet advice, only to find that, for me, the opposite is true.

    I have lost weigh and reduced my blood pressure, blood sugars and cholesterol since Christmas.

    A word of warning - it was my birthday this weekend and I have eaten more carbs than normal ( usually around 60g.day) I have found that I have felt hungry - to the point that on Sat night I would happily have eaten anything in the house - luckily there wasn't a lot in, lol,

    It would seem that so long as I keep my carbs low, I don't feel hungry (or deprived), but as soon as I go over around 100g/ day all the old feelings and bad habits of overeating/feeling hungry/ eat some more come back.

    I have a lot of parties coming up over the next 6 weeks - I will definitely eat before I go, I am not risking party food again for a while.

    Good luck
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Given your carb intake you are approaching a ketogenic diet rather than a "low carb" diet.

    Appetite suppression is a common feature, especially if you increase protein.

    You can ride out the transition phase to your body becoming keto adapted (which I understand can be horrendous) or you can up your carb intake. I don't know if you eat starchy carbs (sweet or normal potatoes, taro, yam, rice etc) or fruit but if you don't add moderate amounts into your diet especially around workout time.

    You are exactly right that the symptoms you are experiencing is due to low liver glycogen.
  • alauzon
    alauzon Posts: 13 Member
    I have been doing a low carb diet and I know that on day four and five I crashed hard. I didn't have an appetite and I was also fatigued and getting leg cramps. What worked for me was to up my sodium and my fat .. I did this by drinking some broth and having 1/2 an avocado. Once I got past the first week this subsided although my appetite is still not really there which I don't mind at all. When planning my meals I try to look at my veggies and sides first and then the protein last. I hope this was somehow helpful.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    The reason he could lose 50 pounds in 4 months is that you are able to eat very low calories on a low-carb diet because you don't feel hungry. DH did Atkins, which does not recommend counting calories (and this is one thing DH liked about it), but when I think back on it after having counted here on MFP for a while, he was not eating much.

    Unfortunately, if you lose like this you will end up thinner but not necessarily with as much lean mass as you would hope at the end.
  • capergirl770
    capergirl770 Posts: 23 Member
    Your body is switching from burning carbs for energy to burning fat.. It is totally normal to feel like you have no appetite and low energy.. It will subside once your body gets use to the switch.
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Given your carb intake you are approaching a ketogenic diet rather than a "low carb" diet.

    Appetite suppression is a common feature, especially if you increase protein.

    You can ride out the transition phase to your body becoming keto adapted (which I understand can be horrendous) or you can up your carb intake. I don't know if you eat starchy carbs (sweet or normal potatoes, taro, yam, rice etc) or fruit but if you don't add moderate amounts into your diet especially around workout time.

    You are exactly right that the symptoms you are experiencing is due to low liver glycogen.

    Yes, I guess it is ketogenic because the doc said I will burn fat for fuel when my liver runs out of stored glycogen? (Is that the definition of ketosis?) Again, I never would have done this on my own, but he was pretty excited for me to try it so I'm giving it a shot. <shrug> I have not been eating any grains at all. No bread, no steel cut oatmeal (which used to be THE go to breakfast), no quinoa. My only carbs are coming from fruit and veg. He didn't say I couldn't eat ANY grains, the only rule seems to be "keep the carbs under 100", less fiber carbs. But given my current state of appetite, I can't even imagine trying to get steel cut oatmeal in me.

    I've been expecting that "horrendous crash" but so far (now on day 8) I still have not had anything more unpleasant than that feeling of my limbs being heavy. No crankiness, no shakiness, not feeling sick in any way. In fact I feel pretty great, alert of mind even if my body is a bit sluggish. Doc said he did NOT (and this is another thing it is hard for me to swallow) recommend exercising very hard, because I will feel "yucky" if I do. I can now see how that would be the case. I am supposed to be moving in a couple weeks. Do you (or anyone) know if I will feel better once I ride out the transition, or if it's always going to be like this while I'm in ketosis? I certainly can't handle moving, the way I feel now. :/
  • alauzon
    alauzon Posts: 13 Member
    The feeling will subside once your body gets accustomed to being in ketosis. I didn't work out for the first 2 weeks other than walking a few miles a few times a week which was hard to get used to. I am still in ketosis and I only eat 25 net carbs a day but I now have tons of energy and have been killing it at the gym. Give yourself some time and let your body adjust its a completely different way of eating and take it slow that's the best way to ensure that you will be effective. Good luck and from the sounds of things you are doing great!!
  • amystev21
    amystev21 Posts: 20 Member
    The feeling will subside once your body gets accustomed to being in ketosis. I didn't work out for the first 2 weeks other than walking a few miles a few times a week which was hard to get used to. I am still in ketosis and I only eat 25 net carbs a day but I now have tons of energy and have been killing it at the gym. Give yourself some time and let your body adjust its a completely different way of eating and take it slow that's the best way to ensure that you will be effective. Good luck and from the sounds of things you are doing great!!

    I am on day 8 of eating less than 25 grams per day and I experienced the leg cramps last night and this morning! Good to know I am not alone!! Alauzon how much have you lost and how long have you been eating this way? I am LOVING it and LOVING not starving and LOVING eating steaks with mushrooms!! hahaha
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    interesting that you two mention leg cramps, I wonder if instead of getting actual cramps, I'm getting RLS-type stuff (restless legs syndrome). I don't have full blown RLS, but I have experienced RLS episodes at times in my life. Namely when I take benadryl (a known trigger) and when I was super anemic (also a known trigger). I've been getting super RLS-ey every night since I started this diet and I wondered why that would be. I guess it makes more sense now, or rather, I know others are having the same thing.
  • juleskitcat
    juleskitcat Posts: 35 Member
    Re: leg cramps...symptom of low potassium. make sure you're eating the spinache, broccolli and perhaps even a potassium suplement? I am doing Dr. Bernstein diet and I have to take potassium supplements 2x day. if i miss - I too have leg and foot cramps. On the occassion when NOT on the diet and I had cramp or two, a bannana would always do the trick. good luck!
  • alauzon
    alauzon Posts: 13 Member
    I am on day 8 of eating less than 25 grams per day and I experienced the leg cramps last night and this morning! Good to know I am not alone!! Alauzon how much have you lost and how long have you been eating this way? I am LOVING it and LOVING not starving and LOVING eating steaks with mushrooms!! hahaha

    I have lost almost 15# and have been eating this way from just over a month. The first month I focused soley on the diet and starting last wed I am hitting the gym hard and still eating on point. I love that fact that I am not starving hungry and I mainly focus on getting my 25NC and ensuring that the majority of them are from foundation vegetables. I don't focus at all on the fat grams and very little on the calories. So far this is working for me and I don't feel deprived which i found to be a problem on many other diets.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    8-900 calories per day,seriously?
    Go back to 1700. Losing weight faster isn't worth
    Eating UNHEALTHY.
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    8-900 calories per day,seriously?
    Go back to 1700. Losing weight faster isn't worth
    Eating UNHEALTHY.

    I totally understand it's not enough, that's why I posted asking about it. I have NO appetite and am forcing myself to eat even that much. My motivation isn't to lose fast, it's to improve my diet (which previously included a lot of *unhealthy* carbs), and this is what my DOCTOR recommended. I'm trying to make improvements to what I'm currently doing.
  • magijuana
    magijuana Posts: 1 Member
    I haven't eaten as much as I should being on a low carb diet. I eat some kind of fruit in the morning for carbs/energy (cantaloupe,apple) followed by a salad of spinach, cucumber, beet, and mushroom with a quarter cup of cottage cheese, and some raw almonds in the afternoon as a snack. Dinner is always meat with some kind of lean veggies. The first few days I switched, I was lethargic and felt sick....this was later equated to me as a "carb crash". Just like anything you give up, your body will go through withdrawals. Makes sense. Now, I have to make myself eat, or I'll forget. It's so weird to me to feel like this. I used to be aching with hunger when I ate simple carbs. Now without refined carbs (pasta, bread, rice) I actually feel a 100 X better. I have more energy, and I don't eat as much. It's been working great for me. gained muscle, lost a lot of fat.
  • sassy1002
    I am so glad to find this post. I too have had a low appetite since I stopped eating pasta, rice, bread and anything processed. I have reached my ideal weight, but find that I now have to force myself to eat. I do not feel bad, so its not a health issue. I have energy and able to hike and enjoy activities. I am glad to see I am not alone. I just would like to know how many calories do we actually HAVE to take in to stay healthy. Sometimes all I eat is yogurt and a baked potato later in the day. I am wondering what will peak my appetite without putting me back on the over-eating path...I lost over 40 lbs since last year. I did lose it slow.
  • kazzsj0urney
    I am doing low carbish about 85-100 grams carbs most days (sometimes lower) and I manage to eat 1800 calories but I have noticed I dont desire to overeat at the moment. Same as a previous poster commented I eat high fat...things like cheese, avocado, nuts, tahini etc they are mostly not filling but calorie dense.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Having, or had the same problem. I think when you cut out grains, excess starches and added sugar from your diet, what remains is pretty hard to overeat on, plus with all the fat and protein you end up quite full. I still have a few hunger pangs, mainly in the window I don't eat (8pm- 9/ 10am), but its hard to even call them hunger pangs, as they are more like gentle reminders by my body, lol.

    Not sure your height or weight, but 8- 900 calories sounds way too little. I would up the carbs, and use that as the lever to control your appetite, and when you find a point where you are getting enough to eat, keep it there.

    One thing I've noticed is a lot of weight loss in the first month. A lot of this is water weight, and I'm finding after that first month, what I'm losing now is at a reasonable rate, ie 2lbs or less a week, as opposed to 3.5 or even 4lbs a week during my first month.