

  • michaela4910
    michaela4910 Posts: 543 Member
    Where's the like button when you need it? Good job!
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    And you should be proud!!! You took responsibility for your food and did what was needed to balance it off. Well done.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    there is no way you could burn 2800 in 80 minutes... unless you are god!

    With my heart rate at 170+ on the elliptical I burn at best 10cals/minute.

    Be careful with overestimations, and don't think you need to burn all your days calories! Moderation is key :)

    I burned 2198 calories in 2 hours - Keep in mind everyones body is different depending on height weight and age
    What I burn in a hour on the elliptical or a hour of zumba is twice that of what my friend burns but she is also half my size

    I plugged in my calories based on what Myfitnesspal estimates for me - I also realize that MFP can be off on the totals which is why I make sure to work out extra this way if its off a little bit I am covered

    And thanks for the tip but I don't want to be over on my calories period - Your right Moderation is key but why bother making this change if I am going to allow myself to go over on my calories when its easier to just get some exercise to cover it - No reason at all for me to go over my calories unless I have no choice for the day

    I am very happy with that fact that I was able to go out with my friends indulge myself and come home and bust my bum to not only make sure my calories were covered but to give me extra time

    I enjoy working out - I enjoy the high I get from accomplishing my goals for working out and I get totally over the moon when I can make this change in my life and know that I will be ok even if I slip because I know I can cover it

    yeah I am glad you had a good time - I too do the same once in a while (pudding, white wine and strawberries) and don't feel guilty. But I personally used to think my burn was a lot more than it actually is (due to machines being incorrect). Be sure to get your hands on a HRM if you haven't already.

    I honestly wish I could burn at that rate - almost 20cals/minute - but my best is 10cals per min. This is even with my heart rate in the 180s.

    Good luck with your journey!!
  • Pekaine
    Pekaine Posts: 5 Member
    Fantastic!!! That really is a true dedication! The results will show! :)
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    I really don't know anything about a HRM would love to get one so I count enter truly accurate counts
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    it if works for you continue to do what you do...

    but in my opinion there is a fine line between dedication and obsession and you are crossing over to the obsession side.
  • edcardenas1227
    I think onthat its ok to "cheat" as long as you realize what it means in the long run. What it means is that you will have to work a little extra to cover it. Great job on the workout. I know those are tough workouts but satisfying once you are done.

    If you do the crime (eat too much) then you gotta do the time (on the treadmill/elliptical)!!!
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    it if works for you continue to do what you do...

    but in my opinion there is a fine line between dedication and obsession and you are crossing over to the obsession side.

    To be honest I have known for several years now that the only way I was going to lose weight is to make eating healthy and working out an obsession as that is what I did when I quit smoking and quit drinking soda I had to become obsessed with not wanting to do it - I need the addiction of losing weight to make this work otherwise it will end just like every other diet I have done and that is with me falling off the wagon and gaining all my weight back

    I am not being unsafe I am not under eating nor am I working out 10 hours a day to the point of being physically ill

    I am simply making sure the calories I eat are covered by the exercise I do and sometimes that might mean I have to work out a little more to compensate for enjoying my day and then there are days like today I only have to work out for 30 minutes on the elliptical and that is all I intend on doing

    I am not looking at this as a diet either I am looking at this as a lifestyle change - My hope is that even after I lose the weight as you can tell by my ticker I have alot to lose - But my hope is even when I stop counting calories which I am not sure I even want to quit but if I do I hope that I will continue to balance what I am eating with exercise
  • janfinnegan
    Good job!
  • vikkiitoria
    vikkiitoria Posts: 110 Member
    :Congrats girl I wish I had as much dedication as you. Working on it!:laugh:
  • RedsGirl73
    RedsGirl73 Posts: 114 Member
    Super job!:happy:
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Great job :)
  • kizzyb1977
    kizzyb1977 Posts: 199 Member
    You should be proud, that is a lot of hard work!
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