Cancer Regret....question mark



  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I had "half" my intestines removed and I DO wish, it had never happened. Since wishes aren't granted(last time I checked), I make most of my life,which is still very good.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    My fiance has Type One Diabetes. It will never go away, it will always be there slowly eating him. He had a hypoglycemic low a couple weeks ago and he didn't even realize it. The doctors said that if I wasn't there to take care of him, keep him breathing, and call the ambulance, he would have died on the floor. Hell if I didn't know how to take care of seizures he probably would have died right there in my arms. He almost did.

    I love him, I appreciate him, and I take good care of him now. Sure, he's a little spoiled what with the breakfast in bed and stuff, but he doesn't take it for granted. I think one of the biggest things I took away from this experience though is that I need to take better care of myself. I have hypoglycemia on its own. That could have been me dying on the floor. I get disoriented and tired at work, and don't even realize I'm low until I take some glucose tablets and go right back to normal a few minutes later. It's scary realizing how close I've come to slicing a finger off on the meat slicer at work because I THINK I'm tired, but I'm actually only minutes away from seizing.

    We are irrevocably ill, and every day we could slip up and it'd be our last. I feel a bit humbled and grateful for the life I've been given, and plan on spending the rest of it giving back as much as I can.
  • FlowersInTheDirt
    FlowersInTheDirt Posts: 124 Member
    Hugs. Just massive hugs for all of you :heart: