i need BBQ beef recipes

Pariah Posts: 97 Member
my DH is begging me to let him BBQ some beef. I've been trolling through allrecipes.com and sparkrecipes.com but haven't found much within my calories range. i'm looking for something around 300-400 cals per serving for just the meat portion of the dish. that way I can add veggies to complete the meal. so does anyone have any good BBQ beef recipes in that range?


  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I have a really good sloppy joe recipe if you are interested....
  • Paula_Addem
    Paula_Addem Posts: 80 Member
    My husband is BBQing us pork tenderloin tonight. So yummy! I looked it up - only 160 cals for 4 oz but you could have more or something else. I've been making this marinade for a long time and love it! We buy a few tenderloins at a time, put them in separate large ziplocks with all the ingredients and put them in the freezer. Then when we want one it marinades while it thaws. The longer the better, I made one last night fresh and it's been in the fridge all day.
    Here's the recipe, hope you like it!

    1/2 cup peanut oil (no substitute)
    1/2 cup soya sauce (I use the low sodium and it's fine)
    1/4 cup basamic vinegar
    2 Tbsp. Worcheshire sauce
    1 tsp. garlic powder or 3 cloves (I use the frozen garlic cubes or jared minced)
    1 tsp. black pepper
    1/4 cup parsley flakes
  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    Bump for marinade
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    You can barbecue beef? I dunno,,, sounds sacrilegious to me. Must be a texas thing.

    Try this sometime, it rocks, and the pork shoulder is under 200 cals for a 3oz serving. Mind the sodium.

    Southern pulled pork barbecue

    Large Pork shoulder roast (not picnic shoulder, those have a “solution” in them that makes the meat taste like ham and makes it red in color ). Roast should be the color of natural pork - grey/brown.

    Now the right way to prepare the meat is to put it in a real smoker with hickory for 20 hours or more, but most of us don't have the equipment soooo,,,

    Place on a broiler pan or on a rack and cover with foil. Cook in 200-220 degree oven - overnight at least. The rule of thumb is “cook until you’re sure it’s done – then 2 more hours”.
    Allow meat to cool, then pull apart by hand, setting most of the fat aside. A quick chop will make it easier to put on a bun.

    Finishing sauce:
    1 cup vinegar
    2 Tbs. Salt
    1 Tbs. Brown sugar
    1 tsp. cayenne pepper
    1 tsp. Red pepper flakes.
    Combine all ingredients and allow to sit at least 12 hours.

    Combine pork and sauce to taste.
    Serve on cheap, soft white buns
    Top with coleslaw and/or hot sauce as desired.

    Note: for best sauce flavor, make the sauce several years in advance. If you don't have several years, overnight will do. The longer the sauce sits around the better it gets IMHO.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    My in-laws boil short ribs in water with onion and parsely and at the end they dump in a bottle of bbq sauce and it comes out delicious.
  • cbullock115
    cbullock115 Posts: 110
    I usually put a beef roast in the crockpot and let it cook all day then pull it apart and add the bbq sauce and put it on wheat buns.