working out 6 days a week, ok?

Is it ok to work out 6 days a week?
Three days are C210K plus 1/2 hour cardio,
one is a core workout class + cardio,
a step aerobics class on one day,
and cardio (running) + weights on another day


  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    hell yea it is, I work out 6 days a week, sometimes like overseas we would do two workouts a day 5 or 6 days a week making 10-12 workouts a week and we were all beasts, I rest when I can feel I obviously need rest or have a tough time getting a pump, so yea as long as your not experiencing pain and your not at a plateau then rock on.
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    6 days a week is fine but you sound like you are over doing cardio...are you doing any REAL lifting, not just cardio with weights??? What strength training are you doing? If all your energy is going to cardio you are not building strength, and in the end will see stalls. You need to be increasing muscle tissue...and cardio does not do that, at least not much.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I do 6x60min sessions a week + walking, sometimes a little more each session but 60 on average. Nothing wrong with it aslong as you are fueling and if it's all cardio o youa re in constant pain then that's not good.

    I was doing 2 times a day initially but eventually my body said stuff that :P 60mins a day is more then enough to lose weight and build muscle at a good speed while not suffering the side effects of over or underdoing it.

    Cardio tones and increases efficiency of your cardio system more then building strength/muscle, but you can still do resistance training while you are doing cardio which kills 2 birds with 1 stone. So to say it absolutely does not build any strength is dillusional just depends how you do it.

    I'd agree tho Strength/weights on there own aswell are a must in the long run. balance is the key Cardio and Strength. and mix up the ratio every day so your body doesn't get accustomed. Cardio to get your heart going and Weights to build the muscle and Core to strengthen the frame which in turn will burn more fat then cardio alone.

    Personally i do 10-30mins of hard cardio followed by the rest of the hour+ in either Core or weights, don't do classes yet, due to them not conciding with my available training times. and 1 rest day to recoup the aches and so i can eat less on that day.