psych ward after a suicide attempt.what do I tell work?



  • In addition, disclose only what and to whom you are comfortable. Know you are not obligated to go into detail unless you desire. Never feel ashamed for being a real person with flaws, because no one I mean no one is immune. Hugs and kisses. :)
  • I NEVER feel the need to be careful about who I am dear. But thank you for the advice.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Not sure if trolling, or serious.

    right... because this situation is so far fetched.... :grumble:

    1 in 4 people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives. Many will need to take time off for it. If there wasn't so much stigma attached to mental illness, that would make it a lot easier, and threads like this wouldn't need to exist, because people wouldn't fear being stigmatised or losing their job because of it.
  • If someone walked into a church bleeding would you turn them away because it is not a hospital. Seriously, help or don't but never put someone down as if they are not worthy of your time. It will take nothing away from you to offer a minute to read someones problem and let them know your thoughts on it. Everything ties into life, true? We are here to help one another. :)
  • is this not a fitness and health site...why do you people do this, do you seriously take heavy subject advice from people you dont know...seriously people

    maybe they have no one else to confide in.
  • FlowersInTheDirt
    FlowersInTheDirt Posts: 124 Member
    It is a privacy thing. It's up to how comfortable you are with people knowing your business. They don't have to know and you not telling them ISN'T lying.

    What I was going to say.
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    It is a privacy thing. It's up to how comfortable you are with people knowing your business. They don't have to know and you not telling them ISN'T lying.

    What I was going to say.

    Me too. If you are comfortable telling them then that's up to you. I was in the same situation a few years back. I was comfortable telling my boss as he is a sweetheart and my best friend is his assistant. I've worked in places where I never would have told ANYONE its up to you. Not disclosing the NOT lying. Its no one else's business.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Not sure if trolling, or serious.

    right... because this situation is so far fetched.... :grumble:

    If this poster is who I think it is, it may just be far fetched.

    To OP:
    Follow what everyone else said.

    If they judge or let you go because of it, you can sue them because they can't discriminate based on medical conditions.