needs motivating mfp friends

Starting to lose weight again and need some friends with the motivation part not so much support from my actual friends and family . Hoping to lose the weight and keep it off this time! Sometimes its just easier to just to eat what you want but then you feel the consequences later! TRYING my best not to fall back in my old habits,so far so good but a little support & motivation wouldnt hurt.:smile:


  • buttercup68110
    buttercup68110 Posts: 86 Member
    Im in the same boat as you. Im trying to lose 119 pounds and Im two weeks into my diet. I changed the way I eat, I cut out pop, and I'm trying to work at more. At least three times a week. Its hard to do so on my schedule. My family and friends dont really understand since most of them are skinny. My boyfriend is really supportive but he is not going through the same struggle as me. He has been skinny his whole life and he can eat whatever he wants. I have never been skinny. We can do this together.