how long to see fitness improvements for a total newbie?

hi! i was hoping i could get some feedback/advice :)

i am a TOTAL newbie to exercise. i am 20, female, with a very good diet and quite a slim/slight frame. i currently do almost no exercise whatsoever - i walk around to get places, for 20min-1.5 hours a day, and thats about it.

ive tried a couple of yoga classes - they were doable, but not easy! i have very little muscular strength - i can barely do a push up, and holding the 'dog' pose in yoga is strenuous for me after a while. i tried going for a run a few weeks ago - after about 2-3 minutes i get quite bad pain in my chest/throat.

so, basically, despite being very healthy in nutrition-terms, and having no weight to lose, i am very unfit. i was considering joining a gym to try and get into shape, hopefully going about 3-4 times a week, for hopefully 30-45min, and engaging in cardio - biking machine? i hate running! - and strength training.

how long will it take to begin to see and feel an improvement in my fitness do you think? i know i can't expect results overnight, of course. i am wondering though whether it takes 2 months, 3, 4, etc to see a noticeable and encouraging improvement.


  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Based on energy levels and how you personally feel those sometimes happen more immediately within 1-2 weeks. Physical verifications of this improvement sometimes take longer like 2-4 weeks based off of the generalization people tend to see changes in physique at least at 5 lb increments.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I start at the gym 3 weeks ago and I have seen a diff, I have been doing karate for 16 year and found going to the gym has made me fitter and stronger

    "I workout, because I can. When I get tired, or I am short on time, or I want to quit...I think about how lucky I am to be healthy enough to workout daily. Be grateful for your health and your ability to become STRONGER. Don't ever take it for granted!"

    anyone can add me
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Well, I am neither female or 20yrs old...but you should notice an improvement within two weeks of exercising consistently, building muscle takes time so be patient,but it will happen if you stay determined. Cardio seems to improve quite quickly I have noticed in my personal experience.My advice would be to set yourself achievable goals/routines and you will be surprised by how quickly you will start seeing results.

    good luck.
  • Kalielspinner
    You'll fee a change inside a month. 2-3 months and you'll see it in the mirror. Sounds like you want strength...maybe even need it to feel fit. Start lifting light weights to wake the muscles you have -- if you get to 3 or four sets of 12-15 reps then move to heavier weight. Don't worry your not going to turn into she-hulk. On the cardio--set a distance you would like to be able to complete be it 1 mile or 3 miles (5K). Run that and look to better your time over a few months. If you run longer than 30 min or so you'll counter the weight training and burn protein from your muscles. 45-60 min 3-4 times a week is all you'll need.

    Talk to someone at the gym who has a physique you like; get pointers. Use MFP members too many of them have fantastic advice. Somebody will resonate with you.

    A healthy fit capable body feels good. Oh, and a healthy fit body feel good too. ;)

    Be patient and kind to yourself.
  • basilbunches
    thank you for the replies guys!

    im hoping ill be able to see a change in 'tonedness' within 2 or 3 months like you suggested, hopefully quicker because i am quite slim already? i only weigh 46-47kg (5'5) so im hoping that having reasonably little fat will allow any muscle development to be obvious quicker than it would if i was a bit chubbier?