I'm back and need help!

Okay.. I've done this a year ago and totally fell off first it was because my uncle was dying after that it was all me. However, i need motivation and lots of support. Food is my weakness; obviously, but I go to food when my emotions take a turn, boredom or stress. I have no support system at home, everyone says I'm fine the way I am so I need you guys 95% lol.
Feel free to add me

Little about me and my problems:
I'm a couple weeks from 21
Fast food addiction
Currently slowing down smoking 5 packs in 14 days good progress
Caffeine addiction(Pepsi/mtndew/coke)
I love breaded food
Smh! I need lots of help


  • I'm sorry for your loss.
    Everyone has vices, so be patient with yourself, and don't give up.

    Go here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013
    and figure out your bmr, tdee, and -20% from your tdee should be your caloric intake.

    Log every bite you take, every movement you make, and celebrate your successes. Sometimes the scale doesn't move but inches still get lost, clothes fit better, etc. Try not to get hung up on the numbers. This is still something I struggle with :)
    Good luck.
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    Ill keep that in mind..
    I need to really learn how to do the measurements I don't do it correctly and the numbers always crush the spirits hen it doesn't move. Thanks for your reply:)
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    Take it one day at a time and good things will happen! :)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You have food, smoking, and caffeine issues. DO NOT try to tackle all three of these at once or you're going to drive yourself up a wall.

    You need to take baby steps here.

    First off, I'd strongly recommend throwing your arms around and embracing your caffeine addiction. I know someone is bound to disagree with this, but there are plenty of people running around addicted to caffeine leading normal lives. Yea, I drink 3 cups of coffee every morning and another one later in the day, but it's not exactly causing any problems. Just put that one on the back burner for now.

    Second, nicotine itself isn't that harmful from what I can tell. The problem is all the other garbage in cigarettes. Yes, you want to get rid of the nicotine, but let's talk reasonable, doable things here, one step at a time. So use the gum or the smokeless cigarettes that are out right now. Work on getting rid of the gum and replacements later.

    Third, set a reasonable calorie goal and follow it every day. Weigh and measure your food so you learn what portion sizes really are. Make sure you get enough protein, good fats, fiber and micronutrients every day by eating a few servings each of lean protein and vegetables every day. You may find yourself obsessing over every little report MFP gives you, such as sodium, sugar, etc. Do not obsess. Focus your attention on the calories and eating a reasonable diet. Don't make this harder than it has to be.

    Fourth, get active. Get out of your house and find some activity that you truly enjoy. Exercise doesn't have to be torture. Find some sport or activity that doesn't feel like a chore, and do it. I will suggest some strength training but in the beginning what you really want is something, anything, that you will keep doing.

    Finally, be patient. If you lose 4 pounds a month, that's great. If you have a week where you don't lose anything, don't sweat it.

    Good luck.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You have food, smoking, and caffeine issues. DO NOT try to tackle all three of these at once or you're going to drive yourself up a wall.

    You need to take baby steps here.

    First off, I'd strongly recommend throwing your arms around and embracing your caffeine addiction. I know someone is bound to disagree with this, but there are plenty of people running around addicted to caffeine leading normal lives. Yea, I drink 3 cups of coffee every morning and another one later in the day, but it's not exactly causing any problems. Just put that one on the back burner for now.

    Second, nicotine itself isn't that harmful from what I can tell. The problem is all the other garbage in cigarettes. Yes, you want to get rid of the nicotine, but let's talk reasonable, doable things here, one step at a time. So use the gum or the smokeless cigarettes that are out right now. Work on getting rid of the gum and replacements later.

    Third, set a reasonable calorie goal and follow it every day. Weigh and measure your food so you learn what portion sizes really are. Make sure you get enough protein, good fats, fiber and micronutrients every day by eating a few servings each of lean protein and vegetables every day. You may find yourself obsessing over every little report MFP gives you, such as sodium, sugar, etc. Do not obsess. Focus your attention on the calories and eating a reasonable diet. Don't make this harder than it has to be.

    Fourth, get active. Get out of your house and find some activity that you truly enjoy. Exercise doesn't have to be torture. Find some sport or activity that doesn't feel like a chore, and do it. I will suggest some strength training but in the beginning what you really want is something, anything, that you will keep doing.

    Finally, be patient. If you lose 4 pounds a month, that's great. If you have a week where you don't lose anything, don't sweat it.

    Good luck.

    ^ This. BeachIron is smart. Listen to him.
  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    Beachiron hits it on the head! Listen to his advice it is very valuable.

    When I started last year I started small. I got a fitbit and just wore it for a few days. Then I slowly tried upping my daily steps each week. I started off that first week just trying to walk 3500 steps each day. The next week I upped it to 4000 and so on. It wasn't until I had been working on that for 3 weeks that I began to log. I started out that first week just trying to eat at maintenance (my TDEE). Then I reduced my calories from there. I am currently eating 1600 - 1700 a day and losing about a lb per week.

    Feel free to add me if you need some support.
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss.
    Everyone has vices, so be patient with yourself, and don't give up.

    Go here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013
    and figure out your bmr, tdee, and -20% from your tdee should be your caloric intake.

    Log every bite you take, every movement you make, and celebrate your successes. Sometimes the scale doesn't move but inches still get lost, clothes fit better, etc. Try not to get hung up on the numbers. This is still something I struggle with :)
    Good luck.
    also, if you get off the junk food and *kitten* you'll have more money for other things

    this is good advice! log all, do more (but don't go totally mad and suddenly do way more than ever unless you want to put yourself off) I haven't lost loads since starting at the beginning of the year (2nd time) but this is the longest that I haven't just chucked it in...seeing success stories and getting a pep talk from my pals on here has been terrific...I wish you all the best!
  • Yes, BeachIron is ABSOLUTELY correct. Sudden lifestyle changes don't last. Also, you are setting yourself up for failure if you try to tackle all of that at once, which means you will inevitable fall off the wagon.

    I am a big advocate of getting active first above anything else because once you do that, the rest usually follows. It has been my experience that the more active you are, the less junk you want to eat because it makes you feel like crap. You will want to eat cleaner food for fuel. Also, the more cardio you do, I assure you that you will want to quit smoking. That is how it worked for me. It's hard to get a good cardio high when you're coughing up phlegm.

    Caffeine...eehh...I would just choose better sources of caffeine because the sodas are fostering a sugar addiction more than a caffeine addiction. I can't function without coffee in the mornings, and I'm okay with that addiction. At least coffee is a natural source of caffeine.