Coming back to try again!

Hey all, Well I joined mfp over a year ago, but did not stick with it. Found It was hard as I just could not find the right things to eat with our budget. However I'm back and this time, I will do the best I can with what we can afford. I do my workouts here at home, with the kids, and now that it's getting nicer i do alot of walking. I have two great kids. ages 3 boy and 5 girl. school will be out soon and that means alot more running around and playing. I need to get into better shape to be able to do that. Oh yeah my little sister is getting married in September!! I want the family to see Less of me at her wedding. I'm not in it but my daughter is. I don't want to be the fat like at my own wedding..

So anyway I sure could use a few friends on here to help keep me motivated!


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    i'm also back for round 2............slower this time but i'm sticking with it.

    feel free to add me.

    come on, get that diary open - you can't get good tips if we can't see what you're eating :)
  • tommyjokatiefox
    This is my first time using MFP. I lost 35 lbs a couple of years ago using Weight Watches but couldn't afford to stay with the on line program for tracking my food. I maintained for about a year and the weight came back. I like MFP because #1 it is FREE. #2 it is a fast and easy way to track food and exercise and that is what I need to lose weight and keep it off. #3 I too have trouble making my diet fit in my budget, but I have found that I can eat what I feed my family, just in smaller portions and I usually don't eat dessert. I have a bad knee is exercise is a issue for me. But I plan to work thru the pain and at least walk 30 min. a day. Good luck on your journey. I will try to share cost savings ideas that I find along. We can lose weight and we will!!