Hey you...

What you are doing is amazing and you should be very proud of yourself! Keep up the good work, you are truly an inspiration to us all :)
That being said, I'm Erica and I'm a yo-yo dieter. This is my fourth shot on my fitness pal, not because it hadn't worked I lost 40lbs the first try, but because I simply believed I could guesstimate my caloric input and output. FAIL! So, here I am, determined to stay on track this time and lose the final 30lbs.
I would like to add some friends this time, but from past experience a lot of people delete "friends" that don't comment on their progress. That doesn't sound to much like a friend to me, and please don't friend me if that's a choice you make. It's discouraging and unfortunately, I just don't have a lot of time to comment :S

Once again, YOU RAWK!!


  • andreamccarthy26
    andreamccarthy26 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Ebay77.

    Liked you're honesty :) there's a great challenge starting the 1st of May, its called the squat challenge. A few girls i know did it in work and they loved it. So I'm excited to give it a go myself. Keep up the good work and you'll lose that weight in no time.