Anyone else feel like every day is a battle?

I first want to start off by saying hi, my name is Misty. I've been using the MyFitnessPal app for a while but finally decided to visit the community. I got divorced in 2009 and over the course of three years dropped 89 pounds. I went from 225 to 136 and was really happy with that. I went through some things in life and despite my efforts again turned to food. I am now back up to 151.6 as of today. It's frustrating to see that I've gained weight back but I know that with time I can lose it again. Anyways, there's my story and I hope to get to talk to others who are in my shoes.



  • andreamccarthy26
    andreamccarthy26 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Misty,

    I know exactly how you feel. I've lost weight and put it back on myself. Its really frustrating because you know how hard it is to get it off but how simple it is to put it all right back on. Try and have a goal or reward system for yourself, that's what I'm trying this time around. Stay positive and in no time you'll be whatever weight you want. :)
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    yes everyday is a battle for me... the battle to be better than i was yesterday. stronger and faster than i was. my everyday battle is to get better at whatever i am doing, and even if i dont succeed at that days battle as long as i can look in the mirror and say i have given it my all than i am a winner and will continue to get better.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Hi Misty. Yes, losing is difficult but over the years I've found keeping it off is even more difficult. We become complacent and figure the "job" is done when we reach the goal. I think I've finally come to the realization that I need to listen to my body. When I begin to feel I can just relax and have that extra helping, or that special treat, once too's time right then to be vigilant, not after regaining 10 or more lbs. I've done that more times than I can count and usually it wasn't just 10 lbs! So now if I begin to feel "puffy" or overly full I figure I need to be aware and take action. Good luck in your re-loss and in maintaining, within a few lbs, your desired number.
  • martintanz
    martintanz Posts: 280
    Hi Misty. I hear you. I have lost and gained weight a number of times in my life, starting all the way back when I was 15 (I am 47 now.) I was a chubby teenager heading for 200 lbs, when I turned things around the summer I turned 15 using my mother's weight watchers materials, riding my ten speed, and practicing martial arts every day. I dropped 35 lbs over 10 weeks. Slowly gained the weight back over the years, and I tipped the scales at 225 by the time I was 19, 235 by the time I was 21.

    The year I graduated college, I lost 50 lbs after reading and followingJane Brody (low fat diet), jogging, and playing raquetball. A year or so later, I stopped exercising and gained most of the weight back, then just as quickly lost it again by taking up jogging and going back on a diet. Only this time, instead of getting down to 185, I only got down to 202 lbs before the weight loss stopped.

    Fast forward a few years and working an office job, and gained back some of the weight. Then in 2004 after my weight ballooned up to over 270, I resolve to take it off for good. Join a gym and work out at noon every day, start packing my own lunch, watching what I eat at resaurants. Lose 60 lbs. Keep it off for 3 years. Then a run of injuries saps my gym motvation, and I slowly start to gain back the weight until I completely lose control of my weight and find myself dangerously close to 300 lbs, which is the fattest I ever was.

    9 months later, here I am, still trying to take off the weight. I feel like Sisyphus, but at least I am trying, as are you. Putting back 10 lbs isn't the end of the world. A couple of months and you should be fine.