I have a wee problem

Hi Folks,

My shoulder hurts like a lot. I don't know how to explain this but it hurts all the way from the base of my shoulder to my neck.

I live on the fourth floor and I don't have any elevator in my block so I have to lift my bike up and down the stairs.

I normally don't have a problem but this afternoon I went for a run and as soon as I raise my arms at an elevation, it hurts like hell.

Does anyone know what it could be and what I could do to reduce the pain?

I have taken a few painkillers a few hours ago and it's not helping. It's sunday night so I will go to my GP tomorrow sometimes but in the meantime does anyone have any suggestions pretty please?


  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Ice it.

    I hope you feel better soon.
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member
    Ice, NSAIDS like ibuprofen and fish oils will help inflammation. Maybe the GP will be able to help (if you're NHS, I wouldn't count on it). What planes of movement does it hurt in? Try to figure that out, then you can figure out which muscle it is, and possibly address it.
  • LizHR
    LizHR Posts: 16 Member
    Rotator cuff? Tight Traps?


    Apart from icing and some gentle stretches you may find time is the best healer. And be very careful lifting anything until it is better.
  • Grumpy2208
    Ice it.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Thank you. I am underweight and I am perpetually cold and hate ice lol but will try it. Thank you.
  • aznsdgrl
    aznsdgrl Posts: 110 Member
    Sounds like what I had, rotator cuff tendonitis. Painful as hell, I couldn't lay on my right side at all. It took physical therapy to clear it up, but it feels much better now. Best advice is see your GP or an orthopedist. Good luck
  • Grumpy2208
    Ice, NSAIDS like ibuprofen and fish oils will help inflammation. Maybe the GP will be able to help (if you're NHS, I wouldn't count on it). What planes of movement does it hurt in? Try to figure that out, then you can figure out which muscle it is, and possibly address it.

    Thank you. I have taken 3 ibuprofen already. I am NHS LOL. Probably won't even get an appointment tomorrow you know how it is :-)

    I have no clue re the muscles just hurts all the way from my shoulder to my neck. Thanks a lot for the advice x
  • Grumpy2208
    Rotator cuff? Tight Traps?


    Apart from icing and some gentle stretches you may find time is the best healer. And be very careful lifting anything until it is better.

    Thank you. Will google the terms; and check out the site.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Ice it and rest. Obviously don't sleep on that side.

    There are a variety of things it could be. Good that you're going to the doc.
  • Grumpy2208
    Sounds like what I had, rotator cuff tendonitis. Painful as hell, I couldn't lay on my right side at all. It took physical therapy to clear it up, but it feels much better now. Best advice is see your GP or an orthopedist. Good luck

    Thank you. Yea it sucks. So painful. How long did it take for yours to heal? x
    Good you are feeling better x
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    You may have torn your rotator cuff. My hubby has had surgery three times for that injury, both shoulders. Get yourself to a doctor, check it out.
  • Grumpy2208
    Ice it and rest. Obviously don't sleep on that side.

    There are a variety of things it could be. Good that you're going to the doc.

    Thanks a lot yea am basically just sitting on the couch and watching flicks. Can't even eat as I feel so sick it sucks.
    NHS doctors are quite busy so might not even get an appointment tomorrow hence asking for advice here.

    Thank you x and yea I sleep on my tummy and don't move at all.
  • Judith509
    Judith509 Posts: 8 Member
    Find a physical therapist (or physiotherapist if you live outside of the US) and have him or her assess your shoulder condition. The trouble might be coming from your shoulder, or it could be coming from your neck. Carting your bike up and down those stairs puts a load not just on your shoulder, but on your neck as well. A PT can give you guidance in what to do for your condition and get you back to running, biking, etc without pain! Hope this helps.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    I have bursitis in the same area you described. Just found out today. As someone else said, ice and naproxen should help. Do be careful and if it gets worse, go see your doctor. Don't play around with it.
  • Grumpy2208
    You may have torn your rotator cuff. My hubby has had surgery three times for that injury, both shoulders. Get yourself to a doctor, check it out.

    Is he okay? Surgery scares me ****less. I will. I don't know how rotator cuff means someone else mentioned it; very kindly so am gonna read a wee bit on it. Thank you xx
  • Grumpy2208
    Find a physical therapist (or physiotherapist if you live outside of the US) and have him or her assess your shoulder condition. The trouble might be coming from your shoulder, or it could be coming from your neck. Carting your bike up and down those stairs puts a load not just on your shoulder, but on your neck as well. A PT can give you guidance in what to do for your condition and get you back to running, biking, etc without pain! Hope this helps.

    Thank you. I know taking my bike up and down ain't very good but am a sucker for cycling lol. I live in the UK; I do have private healthcare so if my GP diagnoses something terrible; meaning beyond my ability to process and understand then I would go along your suggestion of physio. Thank you so much xxx
  • samgolod
    samgolod Posts: 93 Member
    I had a rotator cuff problem (got it from swimming) - physio and doing the exercises sorted it - but it's still a bit fragile and if I bunch my fists or tense my upper body when I'm running (which I don't always notice I'm doing) then my shoulders get really stiff and sore again. If you cant afford physio there are lots of good clips on YouTube for remedial exercises once it's calmed down.
  • Grumpy2208
    I have bursitis in the same area you described. Just found out today. As someone else said, ice and naproxen should help. Do be careful and if it gets worse, go see your doctor. Don't play around with it.

    I will have to google that term. I will, thank you, you are very kind. Thank you for the advice and I hope you are feeling better and not too painful for you. I hate pain lol I guess so does the majority of people xxx thank you xxx hope you are okay xx
  • Grumpy2208
    I had a rotator cuff problem (got it from swimming) - physio and doing the exercises sorted it - but it's still a bit fragile and if I bunch my fists or tense my upper body when I'm running (which I don't always notice I'm doing) then my shoulders get really stiff and sore again. If you cant afford physio there are lots of good clips on YouTube for remedial exercises once it's calmed down.

    I really have to google that term. Yes it's a different kind of pain never experienced it before. I hope you are okay now. Thanks for the advice xx much appreciated.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    If you're wee problem is a burning sensation I'd recommend seeing a doctor ASAP,

    Postponing these sort of things can result in some pretty serious consequences.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I have rotator cuff tendinitis, calcification and a tear . It took an MRI to discover this.

    Better posture might have prevented my problem, as well as strengthening and stretching the right muscles . For example, I used to be very proud of my 80 - 100 pound bench press but not as excited as other lifts. stay pain free I do no overhead motions or motions that cause the supraspinatus ( upper of four rotators) to "catch".

    Ice, rest and elevation will help. After six months of pain I have just started to do rows which promote good posture. I am also waiting for a book to arrive that I ordered: "treat your own rotator cuff". Lol

    I have been seeing a physiotherapist for years. I hope your pain is temporary. It most likely will improve with rest:)