I quit...

...logging for the rest of this month. i've been logging accurately and consistently since June 1, 2012 and i've just decided i need to take a few days break from it. i'll start again on May 1st. i've noticed a handful of my friends going through the same burnout.

so my question is, how often do you need a break? how long are your breaks?

i'm not talking about cheat days or vacations. i am talking about just feeling like you need a few days not worrying about or planning your meals. obviously, this can become a problem if you decide to do this and start eating all the food again, but i just didn't feel like logging anything since wednesday of last week (even though i have everything written down on a scrap paper still, just in case).

this will be the first break i've taken in the 11 months since i started logging.


  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    i only log when i really want to see how i have been doing...so for a day when i may have eaten more i log, and i am usually on track (past couple weeks anyways). i find the logging to be too much, too addictive for me, i overwhelm myself with 'nutriiton this, fitness that, calories this'...instead of just eating healthy, being fit, and not turning it into an outrageous hobby
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I think it's good to take breaks.

    Logging is great but it can become quite obsessive.

    I usually take a couple of weeks off every 6 months or so. Food is great and all but sometimes I just enjoy not thinking about my next meal and my macros.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    I have been logging my food in various ways off and on for 8 years. What stops me logging is the realization that I am no longer logging accurately, or weighing my portions. I laugh because at my heaviest, I thought I was eating 1200 cal...... liar liar pants of fire. No wonder weight loss was sporadic. The truth is when I log I lose (weight that is). But every one takes a break or gets tired of the whole thing. Gaining 2 -3 pounds is my signal to get back on board with logging. Feeling tired, get back on board with logging to make sure I am not eating too many crap foods, or not drinking enough water. Life is a ride, not a race to the finish line. Good nutrition does get easier, but there are too many temptations that surround me every day to give up logging forever. I admire those on MFP that are so dedicated and organized that they eat almost the same foods daily and know what works for them. After three years and losing half my body weight, I am getting better at only having healthy nutritious foods in the house, but it is a constant battle. DON'T QUIT, just take a couple of weeks off, watch the weight, drink the water, keep exercising ( there is no break from moving!) and be accountable to yourself. See you soon!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    took a break during Ramadan. Then took a day or 2 off in between but I was just lazy. I like logging honestly. I am kinda pumped up for the results!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm finding myself doing it more often, maybe one day or so a week but still pretty much eating within calorie limitations. I think it's healthier than pushing to log all the time and then finally quitting for good. I've already lost all of my weight and am simply going through slow bulk/cut cycles anyway.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Honestly, I don't take a break. And it's not because I think one week or two will derail me. It's because I have a bit of OCD. Once I get into a habit/routine it sticks. If I break it, it takes a bit for me to "get sorted" - if that makes sense. So to me, logging isn't a hassle, it's just normal. I don't know if that is sad or not..hahaha
  • Aedrah
    Aedrah Posts: 100 Member
    I don't know you - so take my advice with a grain of salt :)

    I suggest not taking a break unless you truly trust yourself to make wise decisions and stay on track. Consider the pain of logging versus likely outcome of you not logging.

    For some people, not logging can be a slippery slope. I personally find it helps when I invest a little extra time to save time and frustration later. If I eat something fairly often, I save it as a recipe or meal so I can easily re-add that meal later. Some days I plan out my meals at the start of the day, and then adjust as needed later. I have a smartphone and use the app and barcode scanner.

    Good luck!
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    I've taken some "mini breaks" along the way. I think I sometimes lose perspective and am more bothered by the " has logged in for n days" than by the reason I was logging in.
    I don't overeat on non-logging days, just give myself the freedom to eat different things without the faff of weighing/lscanning/ typing...
    Like you I set a date to return to business so that I dpn't drift into the nether world.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    im currently taking a break...not sure for how long...

    I lost most of my weight before I started logging and since I started I realize that I eat pretty good and really don't need to log to stay on track...just being mindful and eating real food is enough for me to feel good and keep up what ive already done (which is lost 149lbs)...

    I don't want to have to log my food for the rest of my life...I get caught up in the numbers and end up stressed and burnt out...
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I'm finding myself doing it more often, maybe one day or so a week but still pretty much eating within calorie limitations. I think it's healthier than pushing to log all the time and then finally quitting for good. I've already lost all of my weight and am simply going through slow bulk/cut cycles anyway.

    it's not a quitting issue with me... i'm just a bit burned out on keeping track of it all right now. i usually can remember everything i've eaten and then i enter it all into my spreadsheet at the end of the day, but even though i have notes and can bring my spreadsheet up to date for the past few days that i haven't logged, i think about doing so and the only thought that comes to mind is... meh.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I find myself not logging as religiously, either. Partially because, after months of this, I sometimes need to just not worry about the numbers. A day or two here and there. I think if you're able to eat intuitively, knowing how you normally eat, it could be a good thing.
  • janimei
    janimei Posts: 105 Member
    I track my progress with the chart feature (Nutrition Report), and the blank days look so bad to me. On days I'm not in the mood to log in, I track food/water/exercise on a scrap of paper and enter the info the next time I do log in online. Only been doing this since Feb. 25, though, so maybe in a few months, I won't feel so positive about the value of the online feedback.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I have a day here or there where I don't log, but usually it's like a crack habit man. I just keep coming back. Maybe I'm secretly a macros pie chart fetishest, not sure. But I like logging.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I find myself not logging as religiously, either. Partially because, after months of this, I sometimes need to just not worry about the numbers. A day or two here and there. I think if you're able to eat intuitively, knowing how you normally eat, it could be a good thing.

    after a while, it starts to feel like homework. adult homework. don't get me wrong, i am in favor of calorie counting, but i do think it can wear on you after a while of doing it day in and day out. breaks are ok i think, so long as you don't make them a couple of months in duration.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I hope you enjoy your break! I think everyone is different. While I may waste time on MFP doing other things, logging food just takes me a few minutes a day, so I never feel like I need a break.

    That being said, I can see why taking a break could be beneficial for a lot of people, to relieve stress or for some other purpose.

    Personally I could see myself recording every meal/exercise for the rest of my life. All the data could be interesting one day looking back to see my diet/exercise habits from decades prior.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I dont log the 2 weeks I go to the shore in July, and the 2 weeks of Christmas and New Year...2 nice breaks.
  • Aedrah
    Aedrah Posts: 100 Member
    I'm finding myself doing it more often, maybe one day or so a week but still pretty much eating within calorie limitations. I think it's healthier than pushing to log all the time and then finally quitting for good. I've already lost all of my weight and am simply going through slow bulk/cut cycles anyway.

    it's not a quitting issue with me... i'm just a bit burned out on keeping track of it all right now. i usually can remember everything i've eaten and then i enter it all into my spreadsheet at the end of the day, but even though i have notes and can bring my spreadsheet up to date for the past few days that i haven't logged, i think about doing so and the only thought that comes to mind is... meh.

    If it's burning you out, you could also try going back to basics (logging on MFP). I like to do crazy things with data too (at work) but at times it gets overwhelming and I need to re-assess what's important (I have all this data that I might potentially need at some point versus the ease in which I can pull and manipulate the data).
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm finding myself doing it more often, maybe one day or so a week but still pretty much eating within calorie limitations. I think it's healthier than pushing to log all the time and then finally quitting for good. I've already lost all of my weight and am simply going through slow bulk/cut cycles anyway.

    it's not a quitting issue with me... i'm just a bit burned out on keeping track of it all right now. i usually can remember everything i've eaten and then i enter it all into my spreadsheet at the end of the day, but even though i have notes and can bring my spreadsheet up to date for the past few days that i haven't logged, i think about doing so and the only thought that comes to mind is... meh.

    The quitting thing was me projecting. I know if I let my self obsess over anything too much, the swing will eventually happen. And personally, I just get sick of thinking about food. At the end of the day, if it works for you, and you need the break, take it.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    me too.
  • Hazel9999
    Hazel9999 Posts: 21 Member
    I had a 2 week break it helped a lot, I still lost a pound or two, didnt exercise but I didnt obsess about every calorie and just ate sensibly with no snacks.