Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place.

After years of not having stable periods, in the past couple months they have been stable (probably to diet change). I was wondering if anyone has been in the same boat?
I remember when I used to have them that I was calm, but now i'm angry over the littlest things, to the extent that I want to scream. Anyone know why or has experienced the same thing?

Also, is it worth weighing myself whilst on a period beause apparently you lose less weight due to water retaining?

Thanks :)


  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    If you aren't on any type of birth control you will likely gain a bit just before your TOM , it will be gone in a few days. If you think seeing a bigger number on the scales will upset/demotivate you I would skip the weigh in for the week.
  • dont_give_up
    dont_give_up Posts: 312 Member
    Mine have changed quite a bit since I've been losing weight. There are some days I want to yell, and lately I get aggravated over the littlest things.
    I have also learned never to weigh in during TOM. I gain anywhere from 3-5 lbs, so I just wait until it's over.
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    hormones honey! emotions are interesting things along with cravings that seem to appear out of no where!
    what works for me is weigh in one time weekly, noting when TOM is present.
    This past week caught me off guard, I was anticipating a loss, and was the exact same weight as the week before (have to be glad that scale did not go up:smile: ). Later that night TOM appeared, will have to double check if this was "on time" or an anomaly. I am nearing 52, have been regular but length is changing (sorry if this was TMI)

    Cheers to you and continue your journey to best health!:heart: