When to Start Weight Training?

Hi all,

Bit new to the whole 'being healthy' thing, having only really started keeping an eye on my calories/weight etc. over the course of the month - but MFP has been a big part of the success I've already seen, and hopefully will be a major part in making the changes etc. sustainable, so thank you guys!

Anyway, I'm aiming to lose around 30-40kg (65-90lbs), and am eating well and jogging around 4-5km at least 4-5 times a week, but would also like to start toning up. Nothing massive, just get a bit of definition etc. as the weight comes off. Is there a best time to do this as my dieting progresses - and what should I modify in my existing diet to compensate? I'm worried about the balance between trying to lose weight and build muscle mass...

Also, does anyone have any tips as to a good routine/programme to start on? I'm basically all flab at the moment, albeit I'm quite strong, but I'd be working from essentially complete novice - any advice appreciated!


  • jc1961AA
    jc1961AA Posts: 283 Member
    I am sure a few people will suggest Stronglift 5x5, I have started on it about 3 weeks ago so can't really comment on success just yet.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    I would suggest starting some sort of resistance/weight training as soon as possible. This will help you continue to burn bodyfat, and help tone you with lean muscle (and also to minimize the loose skin (aka flab) that comes from weight loss).

    If you have access to a gym, you could start with some circuit training. Maybe the staff can help you with some programs? If there are personal trainers, you might be able to get a free consult and/or discounted rate on a small package? This might help you get an idea of what strength training program would be ideal to you?

    If you don't have access to a gym, I would look at bodyweight and dumbbell exercises. You can find a bunch of different ones on bodybuilding.com exercise database (just filter by muscle group and equipment available).

    Good luck, and keep up the great work!
  • Loftearmen
    Loftearmen Posts: 380
    When: Yesterday
    What: Stronglifts, Starting Strength or another progressive overload program
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    When: Yesterday
    What: Stronglifts, Starting Strength or another progressive overload program

  • Sinketi
    Sinketi Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your input guys. I found this website that seems to answer my question about losing weight and gaining muscle mass at the same time:

    So YES, you can gain muscle and lose fat and here’s how:

    -Constant influx of protein. 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day taken 5-6 equal portions spaced evenly through out the day – otherwise your nuclear power plant will have to turn on between meals and burn muscle, you don’t want that.

    -Consume enough calories to keep your body from thinking its starving but not so many calories that you gain fat, 10% under your TDEE is a good value to use. My calorie calculator will tell you exactly what that is for your type metabolism. Make sure to set your goal in step 6 to “10% calorie reduction”

    -Proper nutrition, make every calorie count!
    --eat unprocessed or minimally processed foods
    --eat lots of fresh vegetables
    --eat less than 30% of your calories from fat and eat only good fats like olives, nuts, and avocados
    --eat whole grains and low G.I. carbs – no simple carbs like sugar, alcohol, or white flour
    --eat omega-IIIs daily, flax or salmon are great sources

    -Hardcore, consistent weight workouts. You can use my custom workout plan generator to design a workout plan appropriate for you.

    -Daily cardio, 30-40min. Cardio will not burn muscle, it will help you gain muscle while losing fat at the same time.

    Can anyone verify that this would indeed work?