"Cheats" and Relaxing

Hey there! Do any of you have "cheat days" or meals? Or times you're a little more relaxed about your diet?
I allow myself to not be so strict on the weekends. Now I don't binge or go crazy, I still pay attention to portions and calories, I merely allow myself to eat foods I wouldn't normally eat; i.e. cookies, some types of candy, and always my traditional big Sunday breakfast.
Do you have times like this? Or are you 24/7 strict?
Also, is it good to be like this? I've read and heard conflicting reports and expert opinions on the subject. It's good because it prevents binges and future diet derailment, and it's bad because the foods you're cheating with cause you to crave more and more of said foods?
I'd appreciate your opinions on the subject as well as things you've heard and read and if you have an arrangement similar to mine on weekends.
Thank you!


  • Ready2lose27
    Sunday is usually my "cheat day." I don't go overboard, but I tend to have some chocolate at night with a good TV show. I actually got this mentality from when I did the Weight Watchers Program. In the program you get 29 points/day and 40 extra points/week. I would usually save up my extra weekly points and use them on the weekends towards a glass of wine or dessert. I'm super strict on Monday because I feel like Monday is the start of my week and I have to start my week off on the right foot. If I cheat on Mondays I feel like the rest of my week is off! I know it sounds strange! But I've also heard that when you don't deprive yourself your less likely to overeat when you do have the opportunity to have some sweets. I lost 18 pounds on Weight Watchers so I"m proof that this mentality works!
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I eat chocolates or cookies or whatever everyday if I want, however I eat less monday-friday so I can eat 1800-2500 calories a day on the weekend and still lose weight.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I don't cheat per se, but I do long hard workouts on the weekend and eat more. Today's a good example of that. On a non-workout day I eat 1500 or less, but on weekends I typically eat around 2000 and leave exercise calories to spare. That way I really don't ever feel deprived, and on weekends I do sometimes eat things I wouldn't have every day (2 tbsp of hollandaise on my eggs for example).
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    There is a dieting concept called "Free meal."

    Having a free meal once a week, preferably in the evening for dinner on your workout day helps psychologically and can keep you metabolism from stalling. You can eat whatever you want (including desert) and go over your maintenance calories, just don't gorge as in eating three to four servings of a food, and having four deserts.
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks you ladies for the good insight! The main reason I ask is because a physician recently released a diet/lifestyle change book in which he explained the concept of "diet confusion". This is basically the same as muscle confusion, working different parts of your body and muscles for better results, but obviously with eating. He says the "cheat" times are good occasionally because it's bad to eat the same foods everyday and the same amount of calories everyday. Essentially, he says you need to change it up to keep your body on its toes, if you will. Do you think this concept holds any credence? Seems sensible and makes sense to me.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    On low calorie diets, your metabolism will slow down (adapt) and your body expend less energy in an attempt to form a homeostasis, when the adaption occurs people say they plateaued and stop losing weight when initially they were losing 2lbs and more a week. The adaption is just survival, without adaption humanity would not exist as food shortages from famines were common throughout human history.

    There are few ways to combat this adaption, one is called zigzagging your calories which means eating a different amount of calories every day to prevent your body from adapting (there are zigzagging calculators online). Then there are other concepts like diet breaks (eating maintenance for a week or two before going back to low calorie dieting), refeeds, and free meals or cheat meals.

    If you stop losing at least a pound each week, you can also drop your calories by 10 percent to kickstart your weight loss again, of course a lot of people don't have this option as they are already on fasting and starvation diets with excessive exercise.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    Everyday you should love and enjoy food!! I cheat every single day..but I dont think of it as "cheating" I love myself and I love food and I have an amazing love affair with real food! as long as you know how to work it in your plan you are golden!! Have fun..
    Kristian Rocco
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    Thank you all! Especially jenanderson90, that was the great insight I was hoping for, you seem very knowledgeable.