30 Day Squat Challenge



  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I started this last month and made it to day 4 and then got the flu and didn't do it for 4 days... then sorta forgot about it, I really felt it in just the first couple days... so I'd really like to give it a go again. I'm in. starting today!

    START DATE: May 6

    Day 1-50 squats - Done!
    Day 2-55 squats
    Day 3-60 squats
    Day 4-Rest
    Day 5-70 squats
    Day 6-75 squats
    Day 7-80 squats
    Day 8-Rest
    Day 9-100 squats
    Day 10-105 squats
    Day 11-110 squats
    Day 12-Rest
    Day 13-130 squats
    Day 14-135 squats
    Day 15- 140 squats
    Day 16-Rest
    Day 17-150 squats
    Day 18- 155 squats
    Day 19- 160 squats
    Day 20-Rest
    Day 21- 180 squats
    Day 22- 185 squats
    Day 23- 190 squats
    Day 24-Rest
    Day 25- 220 squats
    Day 26- 225 squats
    Day 27- 230 squats
    Day 28-Rest
    Day 29- 240 squats
    Day 30- 250 squats
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    How's it going New8? xx
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
  • tlcprn
    tlcprn Posts: 13 Member
    I know I'm late to the game, but just heard about this. Gonna give this a try, hope my knee holds out! Love the burn!
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I've just finished day 13!! I forgot to take any measurements. :sad:
  • nickywire
    nickywire Posts: 14
    Hey I was wondering if you guys could maybe help me out... I've never had knee problems before but I started this a while back (and I think I got up to like day 9 or 10) and while in the middle of doing my squats for the day, I felt like my calf/back of the knee area had been smashed by someone else with a bat :S

    I would love to be able to do this challenge but I just don't know what happened...
  • allielare
    allielare Posts: 2
    Thanks for the posts! I have a very active 1 year old and fitting in 30 minutes of aerobics is tough, but I can do the challenge at work. I can't wait to see the measurements go down down down!~
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    What does the push up challenge you are referring to consist of? I'm doing one that another member started which is start with 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening. Add 5 more every other day until you reach 100 in a single day. I started this today.

    1 regular
    1 military
    1 wide
    1 elevated
    1 diamond

    You increase by one of each every day for 30 days.
  • heavyvic
    heavyvic Posts: 5
    OK I want in on the challenge. Pool party invitations are scaring me into excuses to why I can't suit up. :)
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Still going on it! Must be day 13 today - getting more toned, getting harder now Im in my 100's! How the hell will I reach 250 of the on final day!
  • mewukbutterfly
    Day 1 here we goooooooo ! Did it today. I tell you I sweat more w them squats than on. Treadmill :laugh:
  • mewukbutterfly
    Day 6 squats 80 . I can do this, juz drink my water like this :drinker: and Breathe
  • mewukbutterfly
    Day 15 of Squat Challenge @ 140 squats it's both tough and easier in the sense of tough because its a lot and easier because wasn't able to get up so easily lol. Notice that this weekend. Have a great week everyone. .going to drink some water :drinker:
  • Treejewel19
    Treejewel19 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been wanting to try this! I do Crossfit four times a week and thought this sounded like a good add on. Do you do the squats all in a row? So when you get up into the hundreds you are doing them all at once?

    Also, any ladies with knees problems have issues with this? Suggestions on alternatives?

    Just want to be sure I know what I am getting myself into. :)
  • krisDanielle16
    krisDanielle16 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for posting the link! I'm going to start this tomorrow! Good luck!
  • mewukbutterfly
    185 squats today, yesterday's 180 made me go whewww, but I CAN DO THIS !