Calorie Restriction Friends & Support!

I'm currently doing calorie restriction again and am looking for similar as support buddies so I'm not loggin on to myfitnesspal to find it desolate. We can encourage, share ideas and alternatives for cravings :)

Me: I've done calorie restriction before and my method is to eat tons of veggies and essentially packing in the most food with the most nutrients with the least amount of calories. When I get hungry I eat...I always have three meals and snacks and have found ways to do this with litte calories.

My goal is to loose15 lbs in a month. I know some of you will scorn at that but just go away. I feel like I've packed on that 15 lbs in the same time from stress (overeating/indulging) and hormone changes from a new birth control pill.

I enjoy veggies, some meat and yummy snacks. I enjoy whole foods (but have an egg/milk sensitivity).

That is all! Please Friend me if you want to hop on the bandwagon :)