Encouragement and Accountability

Hi everyone!
I don't know about you, but I get so out of focus sometimes!
I need some people on here who are talkative (aka pushy) about staying on track hahaha xD Seriously! I feel like I could use a personal trainer to stand by me and yell stuff like "DONT EAT THAT!" " GET YOUR BUTT OFF THE COUCH AND GO RUN YA LAZY GIT!" .... or some such thing.
Here on MFP, things like encouragement, and motivational posts for people who haven't logged on in awhile are what help me most. Unfortunately, most of the people I've got on my list don't talk too much. So, if you talk a lot, and love to be bossy (^_^) I could totally use you in my life right now <3
Good luck in meeting your fitness and weight goals, everyone!