Do you exercise when you are sick?

jkohan Posts: 184 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I have a terrible head cold and sore throat. I did work with my trainer and do a shortened (40 min, instead of 60) cardio workout yesterday with a mild sore throat. When I was finished, I felt ok but I woke up a train wreck today. Exhausted, and the stuffiness and sneezing set in. I skipped cardio today since I was just exhausted and felt like I was sleeping with my eyes open all day.

Tonite--my nose is completely blocked and care barely breath to drink anything. :( Obviously doing cardio tomorrow will be nearly impossible if I'm still so stuffy--but when do you skip the workout--how sick do you have to be?

It's not sitting well with me that it looks like if I get 3 days of exercise in this week, I'll be lucky. :(


  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I don't usually work out at all when sick, except for perhaps a bit of stretching.
    Even if I was feeling like I was getting sick I might think of skipping it to give my body a bit of extra rest and energy to fight it off.
    I've had bad experiences in the past, and I think it's really easy to overdo it when you're not feeling so awesome.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I try to rest (and not workout) when I'm ill, it's not always easy but it's better for our bodies from what I understand. Working out is a stressor for our bodies being ill even more so. The combo...well not so great.:frown:

    Hope you feel much better soon:flowerforyou:
  • writer190
    writer190 Posts: 51 Member
    Exercising when sick is a warning sign for an exercise compulsion, so I try to take care of myself and take the day off when I don't feel well. Stretch, drink tea, and give your body the chance to recover faster so you can get back to your workouts! :)

    Feel better!
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Yeah, I had a feeling that's the case. I felt so good after my workout yesterday, I thought for sure I was sweating the cold out of me! LOL...until I woke up this morning.

    Thanks for the feedback. :)
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I walk on my treadmill when I have a cold. I make sure I am well hydrated, I take extra vit. D, I get dressed very warmly and cover my head. I get some hot water with lemon to sip and hit the treadmil ( a brisk walk, but not too fast). Somehow I feel all the sweating will get rid of some of the toxins in my body and then it can work on fighting off the cold virus.

    If it's sunny outside I prefer to walk outside in the sunshine unless I am suffering of pollen allergies.
  • sparkles321
    sparkles321 Posts: 107
    I usually sleep so much, I'm not awake to workout anyway.... :laugh:
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Read this article- it's EXCELLENT!:

    Basically, if it's in your chest do NOT exercise....but if it's a head cold you can go ahead and do your thing :)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I read if it's from the neck down don't do it. It can make things way worse which in turn will make your illness worse/take longer to get back to 100%. I was recently sick. I thought I didn't have anymore chest congestion till I got to my spin class and realized I did. I went ahead and finished the class but took down the intensity.

    Rest up and feel better!
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Great info--thank you! Since I still have a throat on fire and some congestion and sluggishness, I think I will step back for a few days until I at least get my energy back.
  • JandCsMommy
    JandCsMommy Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry you're still feeling crappy. Same here-no exercise for me. :(
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I would not exercise if you are sick. Just wait until you are feeling better. Pushing your body, when it isn't up to par, isn't good. It could just make you more physically exhausted and prolong the symptoms.
  • ekrueger002
    ekrueger002 Posts: 15
    pneumonia? Don't exercise.

    Head cold, push on through.

    Moderate exercise will get your blood flowing and release hormones/chemicals in your body that will assist in combating what ails you. Walk, stretch, get the blood flowing!
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